O que aconteceu? ➜ “What happened?” in Portuguese 😮

O que aconteceu?

There are three ways that Brazilians ask, "what happened?": (1) O que aconteceu?; (2) O que foi?; (3) O que houve? (verb HAVER).

And they often mix these together! Ordered by popularity they are:

O que aconteceu?

You'll often hear it said like this:

O que é que aconteceu? ➜ literally: What is (it) that happened?

In either case, Brazilians are very likely to swallow the "o" as well as adding an extra "que". The result can sound like: Que que aconteceu?
Que que aconteceu?

ACONTECEU actually ranks at #215 on the list of most frequently used Portuguese words (download the list here). It's something you need to be able to express easily. There are other - very popular - other ways of saying the same thing: What happened? ...

O que foi?

The foi comes from the verb SER. You are literally saying: What was. In this instance, Brazilians are likely to swallow the "o" or the entire "o que"!

O que foi na reunião? ➜ What happened at the meeting?

This is, of course, SER is the preterite perfect (the simple past) tense -- the same conjugation as the verb IR. I often don't really know what verb I'm conjugating as I think of the past tense of these as the same. For example, Como foi a reunião? - translates as: How did the meeting GO? just as well.

O que houve?

Using the verb HAVER.
This is one usage of HAVER that's very common. You'll often hear simply: Que houve?

O que houve ontem? ➜ What happened yesterday?

Grammar: acontecer ➜ to happen, occur

to happen
você, ele, elaacontece
vocês, eles, elasacontecem

Complete conjugation.

O que aconteceu? ➜ What happened?

Acontece toda hora! ➜ It happens all the time!

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