VIR vs. VER pronunciation
✱ It’s easy to mix up the pronunciation of vir with ver: VIR ➜ to come ||| VER ➜ to see
✱ It’s easy to mix up the pronunciation of vir with ver: VIR ➜ to come ||| VER ➜ to see
present indicativever to seeeuvejovocê, ele, elavênósvemosvocês, eles, elasveem Complete conjugation. ✱ It’s easy to mix up the pronunciation of ver with vir: VER ➜ to see ||| VIR ➜ to come
Use this to express: nothing to do (with). The cost has nothing to do with it. > O custo tem nada a ver com isso.
From the video learning course, INTENSIVO. To ask “did you see…” or, “have you seen…” use VER (to see). Like this: Você viu Gabriela? ➜ Have you seen Gabriela? Você viu o jogo? ➜ Did you see the game? O que você viu lá? ➜ What did you see there? Você já viu tudo? ➜…