the present tense of irregular verbs

There are plenty of irregular verbs in the present tense (the present indicative). These are the essential ones that you need to memorize. Verbs ending in -ar present indicativeestar to beeuestouvocê, ele, elaestánósestamosvocês, eles, elasestão present indicativedar to giveeudouvocê, ele, eladánósdamosvocês, eles, elasdão Verbs ending in -er present indicativedizer to…

Portuguese ~ or verbs

Is there no end to the suffering? It’s not enough that we have to learn to conjugate 3 different verb types (the ar, ei & ir endings). There is yet another group: the Portuguese ~or verbs! Sim, e não. The good news is, there are only a few of these actually used and: their conjugations…


Present Indicative tense

In Portuguese, the present tense verbs (formally called the present indicative) are divided into three groups: ar verbs, er verbs and ir verbs. All (well, almost!) verbs end in one of these. present indicativefalar to speak, talkeufalovocê, ele, elafalanósfalamosvocês, eles, elasfalam present indicativeentender to understandeuentendovocê, ele, elaentendenósentendemosvocês, eles, elasentendem present…

the present versus past tense of PEDIR & OUVIR

PEDIR and OUVIR have similar ~irregulr conjugations in the present and the simple past. These are very common verbs and worth remembering! Present tense of PEDIR present indicativepedir to ask, requesteupeçovocê, ele, elapedenóspedimosvocês, eles, elaspedem Present tense of OUVIR present indicativeouvir to hear, listeneuouçovocê, ele, elaouvenósouvimosvocês, eles, elasouvem Present tense…

the present tense of ~er verbs

present indicativecomer to eateucomovocê, ele, elacomenóscomemosvocês, eles, elascomem present indicativebater to hit, beateubatovocê, ele, elabatenósbatemosvocês, eles, elasbatem present indicativeacontecer to happeneuaconteçovocê, ele, elaacontecenósacontecemosvocês, eles, elasacontecem * More accurately called, the present indicative tense.

the present tense of ~ir verbs

✻ More accurately called, the present indicative tense. There aren’t many ~ir verbs. The most common include: ir vir sair cair abrir pedir seguir dormir partir servir decidir repetir proibir assistir despedir permitir conseguir present indicativepartir to leave, departeupartovocê, ele, elapartenóspartimosvocês, eles, elaspartem

the present tense of ~ar verbs

present indicativefalar to speak, talkeufalovocê, ele, elafalanósfalamosvocês, eles, elasfalam present indicativegostar to likeeugostovocê, ele, elagostanósgostamosvocês, eles, elasgostam present indicativemorar to live, resideeumorovocê, ele, elamoranósmoramosvocês, eles, elasmoram

Lição 3: ensino

And now, você fala um pouco — um pouco de Português! Você entende? When you don’t entende (understand), you say: Eu não entendo. Get used to saying this 😉 We’re ignoring the nós (we), you all & they (vocês) conjugations because you don’t need them now.

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