One of the biggest deals to learn as a beginner is the difference between SER and ESTAR. Let’s forget the differences between the two and just look at ser, and when/how to use it. SER: to be SER is really just to talk about the hard facts. Nothing at all temporal or changing. But don’t…
I’ve posted about FICAR before – Ficar Grammar & Portuguese Verb Ficar. FICAR is a big deal and using it correctly can be powerful. Italians have a big problem with this verb because apparently, it means to fuck in Italian. That’s their problem, not yours. Actually, Brazilians do use FICAR to talk about casual hook-ups…
This was a seriously scary moment moment for me. I could_not mess up my 1st attempt at speaking a complete sentence – to an actual brazilian – that was not, oi tudo bem. in actual Brazil. A failure would bring trauma. It would set me back months if not all the way to zero. I…
The Portuguese verb FICAR is mainly used to express: to remain/stay, become & to be located. to remain/stay: » I’m going to stay here. to become: » It’s getting late. to be located: » Where’s the bank located? ficar in the present tense to remain, stay, become ficar I stay eu fic o you/he/she stay(s)…