In english we say, I wanted to this and that… all_the_time. To say the same thing in portuguese it’s tempting to say something like, Eu estava querendo x & y…. But this is very clunky, isn’t it? Brazilians will use the imperfect past form of QUERER to express this. Like this: Eu queria fazer uma…
Read more...PSICÓLOGO Pode começar. PSICÓLOGO Cinco, dez, quinze, vinte, vinte e cinco… PACIENTE O que… o que é isso? PSICÓLOGO Isso é seu dinheiro indo embora. Vinte e cinco… You already know that IR EMBORA means, to go away. So here, the INDO is the Present Progressive of IR. indo = going indo embora = going…
MARCOS Adivinha quanto eles querem pagar. QUEREM: this is of course, the 2nd person plural conjugation of querer: they/you-all want. You rarely get to hear this one because it’s much more common to hear I want, she wants, you want. RAMON Bom, o cargo de gerente de vendas é sempre em torno de 5 a…