Expressing need in Portuguese is almost always accomplished with PRECISAR. When talking about needing something PRECISAR is followed by de (of).
Expressing need in Portuguese is almost always accomplished with PRECISAR. When talking about needing something PRECISAR is followed by de (of).
IWhen PRECISAR is followed by another verb you don’t need the de. But the following verb will always be in the infinitive. You are saying, I need TO do, TO say, TO eat, TO play ETC. The verb following is always in the infinitive.
The verb PRECISAR is a lot like GOSTAR in that it gets followed by a “de”. But unlike gostar, not always! The “de” is there because you are literally saying “I need OF something”. PRECISAR de alguma coisa. If you need an ACTION rather than a thing, the “de” does not get used.
Read more...present indicativepartir to leave, departeupartovocê, ele, elapartenóspartimosvocês, eles, elaspartem Complete conjugation. PRECISAR often gets followed by a de when talking about needing SOMETHING.
You need to learn Portuguese. You have to learn Portuguese. Just as in English, there are two ways to express need in Brazilian Portuguese. Each has its own specific way of being used. (1) precisar PRECISAR = to need. Precisar is a little tricky because you must always put a “de” after it unless it’s…