pôr ➜ to put
present indicativepôr to puteuponhovocê, ele, elapõenóspomosvocês, eles, elaspõem Complete conjugation.
present indicativepôr to puteuponhovocê, ele, elapõenóspomosvocês, eles, elaspõem Complete conjugation.
It’s far too easy to get these two simple words confused! Whether to use POR vs. PARA quickly becomes an easy decision as soon as you see some key examples of each, in-context. Let’s do exactly that!
Read more...On my second trip down here to Rio de Janeiro, I realized that it might actually be a good idea to learn some Portuguese. My temporary girlfriend at the moment was sure she could get me up to speed. COLOCAR is one of the cornerstone verbs to get down as a beginner, and she was…