pedir ➜ to ask for, request

present indicativepedir to ask, requesteupeçovocê, ele, elapedenóspedimosvocês, eles, elaspedem Complete conjugation.

the present versus past tense of PEDIR & OUVIR

PEDIR and OUVIR have similar ~irregulr conjugations in the present and the simple past. These are very common verbs and worth remembering! Present tense of PEDIR present indicativepedir to ask, requesteupeçovocê, ele, elapedenóspedimosvocês, eles, elaspedem Present tense of OUVIR present indicativeouvir to hear, listeneuouçovocê, ele, elaouvenósouvimosvocês, eles, elasouvem Present tense…

the present tense of verbs: PERDER, PEDIR, DORMIR

Some popular irregular verbs in the present tense. present indicativeperder to loseeupercovocê, ele, elaperdenósperdemosvocês, eles, elasperdem present indicativepedir to ask, requesteupeçovocê, ele, elapedenóspedimosvocês, eles, elaspedem present indicativedormir to sleepeudurmovocê, ele, eladormenósdormimosvocês, eles, elasdormem

Ordering in Portuguese

I had a tough time getting used to the way Brazilians order things – at restaurants, pharmacies, hotels – wherever. For some reason, I was expecting a little more politeness in the language – ESPECIALLY when ordering in Portuguese. I’d like a large iced-coffee, please In Brazil you are going to say, Give me a…