Lição 2: gramática

✻ If you know these grammar points already, ótimo ~ Use these grammar lessons as review & reference. Mas lembre-se (but remember), repetition & review is the true key to your progress. indefinite pronouns: algum, nenhum | indefinite pronouns: qualquer, bastante, tanto | interrogative pronouns | the expression: IR embora

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What kind? in Portuguese.

We Americans are so lazy. We get away with saying so much with so little. I probably use the word, kind a dozen times every day. But in Brazil, there are several more options used to say, What kind? in Portuguese. What kind of cheese do you want? I like all kinds of science fiction…


Como você anda?

Como você anda? Easily one the most common ways Brazilians express, How are you doing? / How have you been? » Como você anda? (also: Como tu andas?) Yet, you will not find it in any language book! Is it slang? Is it an idiomatic expression? Is it a very new phrase? Não, não &…


O que que você fez?

Que-que-que-que-que… That’s the sound of Brazilian Portuguese. Just as we have the word it and that in almost all of our sentences, so Portuguese has que. And sometimes it sounds as if that’s all they’re saying: que que que. Brazilians have the habit of swallowing the words on either side of the que. But the…


O que você está fazendo?

Let’s explore the different ways we can talk about what’s going on, what someone is doing, what you do, I do, others do. FAZER Which of course becomes FAZENDO (the gerund) when you want to say DOING. O que você está fazendo? ➜ What are you doing? Now let’s ask someone WHAT THEY DO, for…


Qual filme é?

The last place on earth you’ll find a video rental store is in Brazil. Here, they still thrive yet no one actually knows why. Perhaps it’s because they are such great places to hook-up. You only need to ask the question: Qual filme é? From the video learning course, INTENSIVO. CLAUDIA Aqui tem algum filme…