tudo vs. todo

TUDO in Portuguese is used when talking about non-specific things. So for example when you say “tudo bem” you’re saying, “everything’s fine / all is well”. Use TODO & TODA when you want to get more specific about things. For example, when saying something like, “I like to see here every day before going to work”…


Qualquer in Portuguese

I’m old enough to remember the lan house. And in Brazil – especially the favelas you can still (it’s 2020) find them! In my early days traveling in Brazil I would always go to the same lan house. I would always go when I knew there would be this one girl working there – but…


using tão

Use tão to express so, so much, so very. Use it convey degree, not quantity.

indefinite pronouns: algum, nenhum, pouco, muito, todo

Indefinite pronouns refer to an INDEFINITE NUMBER of things: some, none, few, many & every. They are frequently used with coisa (thing). algum(a) = some nenhum(a) = no one pouco(a) = few, a little muito(a) = much, many todo(a) = every Plurals: alguns, algumas poucos, poucas muito, muitas todos, todas

5: Recomeço ➜ dialog

When you hear new words clearly and in context – in a story, your chances of remembering them are good. This is an advanced dialog spoken at a normal pace, but even if you’re new to Portuguese you’ll quickly pick up much of this. *RECOMEÇAR = to re-start, begin again. The title translates to Our…

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Somewhere, Anywhere, Nowhere in Portuguese

As a beginner you can use expressions like, não tem, and nada to express nothingness. But to say somewhere, anywhere, nowhere in Portuguese properly, it takes a little practice. These are not very obvious. How would you say for example, Let’s eat somewhere; Sit anywhere you like; or, She has nowhere to go -? Somewhere…