imperative mood: irregulars

The imperative tense is used whenever making a command or demand. The most common irregulars are: -ar regular verbs ligar ➜ ligue Ligue agora! Call now! colocar ➜ coloque Coloque a panela no fogão. Put the pan on the stove. -er regular verbs ter ➜ tenha Tenha uma boa viajem!…

The Portuguese Imperative

The Portuguese Imperative can be confusing! Brazilians simply do not use the imperative in a consistent way! There is however, a method to the madness. Let me explain. The conjugation of the imperative (used when giving a command) is the same as the present tense WHEN using the informal “tu” form. In other words…


the imperative mood

» For AR regular verbs you just replace the a with an e. » For ER & IR regular verbs you just replace the e with an a. -ar regular verbs falar ➜ fale Me fale tudo! Tell me everything! pensar ➜ pense Pense bem! Think about it! -er and…