The imperative tense is used whenever making a command or demand. The most common irregulars are: -ar regular verbs ligar ➜ ligue Ligue agora! Call now! colocar ➜ coloque Coloque a panela no fogão. Put the pan on the stove. -er regular verbs ter ➜ tenha Tenha uma boa viajem!…
The Portuguese Imperative can be confusing! Brazilians simply do not use the imperative in a consistent way! There is however, a method to the madness. Let me explain. The conjugation of the imperative (used when giving a command) is the same as the present tense WHEN using the informal “tu” form. In other words…
» For AR regular verbs you just replace the a with an e. » For ER & IR regular verbs you just replace the e with an a. -ar regular verbs falar ➜ fale Me fale tudo! Tell me everything! pensar ➜ pense Pense bem! Think about it! -er and…
THEO Bom dia. CLAIRE Eu ainda estou dormindo. THEO Feliz aniversário de casamento. If someone says, “é meu aniversário”, it’s their birthday. If someone says, “é nosso aniversário”, it’s their wedding anniversary. CLAIRE E disseram que não ia durar. DURAR = to last. DURO(A) = tough, grueling. How would you say, “Our marriage has lasted…
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MARCOS Adivinha quanto eles querem pagar. QUEREM: this is of course, the 2nd person plural conjugation of querer: they/you-all want. You rarely get to hear this one because it’s much more common to hear I want, she wants, you want. RAMON Bom, o cargo de gerente de vendas é sempre em torno de 5 a…
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