Lição 1: gramática
possessive pronouns; the preterit tense of ir-ending verbs; SER and ESTAR; gostar ➜ to like; ser ➜ to be (permanent)
possessive pronouns; the preterit tense of ir-ending verbs; SER and ESTAR; gostar ➜ to like; ser ➜ to be (permanent)
GOSTAR is obviously going to be one of your top-10m verbs that you use. There are two aspects of it that you need to be aware of to use it right: (1) the “de” that always (always) follows gostar; (2) the way that Brazilians actually say, “I like this and that” using the PAST tense rather than the present. In this post we’re going to look at the most common ways you’ll hear GOSTAR used, and learn how to use it effectively.
Read more...present indicativegostareugostovocê, ele, elagostanósgostamosvocês, eles, elasgostam Complete conjugation.
The verb gostar is always followed by a de. This translates as, to like of.