Lição 6: gramática
future subjunctive, or verbs, preterit: ter dizer fazer, verb: prever
future subjunctive, or verbs, preterit: ter dizer fazer, verb: prever
There are several key expressions that Brazilians use with the verb FAZER.
present indicativefazer to do, makeeufaçovocê, ele, elafaznósfazemosvocês, eles, elasfazem Complete conjugation.
Some popular irregular verbs in the simple past tense. preterit indicativeter to haveeutivevocê, ele, elatevenóstivemosvocês, eles, elastiveram preterit indicativedizer to say, telleudissevocê, ele, eladissenósdissemosvocês, eles, elasdisseram preterit indicativefazer to do, makeeufizvocê, ele, elafeznósfizemosvocês, eles, elasfizeram * More correctly called, the preterit indicative tense.
You’ve just entered a clothing store in Brazil. Most likely, one of the sales clerks on the floor will immediately rush over to meet you. It will usually be someone your opposite sex. The clerk will try to be your instant friend and ask you where you are from and try to say whatever english…
Read more...Let’s explore the different ways we can talk about what’s going on, what someone is doing, what you do, I do, others do. FAZER Which of course becomes FAZENDO (the gerund) when you want to say DOING. O que você está fazendo? ➜ What are you doing? Now let’s ask someone WHAT THEY DO, for…
Read more...In portuguese, talking about what you did is simple. There are no do’s and did’s like in English. What did you do? Brazilians use the verb FAZER. Eu fiz ontem. ➜ I did it yesterday. What did you do yesterday? > O que você fez ontem? Como você fez isso? ➜ How did you do…