Mesmo in Portuguese

One of the first things you’ll notice in Brazil is the word “mesmo.” You’ll hear it everywhwre! It has a few common uses: as “really” to emphasize, as “even though” triggering the subjunctive, and as “the same”. This post will show how to use ” mesmo”, and when it needs to become “mesmA” 😉


11: Caiu ➜ dialog

JORGE O que foi? Literally, “what was it?” This is of course, the simple past tense of ser. This is just another way of saying, “what happened?”. There are three ways that Brazilians ask, “what happened?”: (1) O que aconteceu?; (2) O que foi?; (3) O que houve? (verbo HAVER). PAULO Está muito lento agora….

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9: É mesmo! ➜ dialog

GAROTA 1 Tá maluca! Tá = Está. This is the way Brazilians usually say está. Uma MALUCA is a crazy person. You can say LOUCO/LOUCA, or MALUCO/MALUCA which is basically bad + crazy. GAROTA 2 Nossa senhora! Ele passou muito perto. GAROTA 1 Muito perto. Muito perto mesmo! A good review of how to use…

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