dever ➜ must, ought
present indicativedever to owe, musteudevovocê, ele, eladevenósdevemosvocês, eles, elasdevem Complete conjugation. DEVER usually gets combined with another verb immediately following it to form powerful expressions.
present indicativedever to owe, musteudevovocê, ele, eladevenósdevemosvocês, eles, elasdevem Complete conjugation. DEVER usually gets combined with another verb immediately following it to form powerful expressions.
You can combine dever with any verb in the infinitive to express should/must. Like this:
deveria + ter = ought to have / should have
THEO Bom dia. CLAIRE Eu ainda estou dormindo. THEO Feliz aniversário de casamento. If someone says, “é meu aniversário”, it’s their birthday. If someone says, “é nosso aniversário”, it’s their wedding anniversary. CLAIRE E disseram que não ia durar. DURAR = to last. DURO(A) = tough, grueling. How would you say, “Our marriage has lasted…