expresssing “this” & “that”, “these” & “those”
There are 3 different words for saying this and 3 for that. Which one you use depends on the gender of the thing you’re talking about. This & That (conversational) m=masculne, f=feminine, n=neutral
There are 3 different words for saying this and 3 for that. Which one you use depends on the gender of the thing you’re talking about. This & That (conversational) m=masculne, f=feminine, n=neutral
Eu quero aprender mais. O senhor quer aprender tudo, não é? Tudo = everything. Com certeza. Seja bem-vindo. Obrigado. Senhor. Esta é a sua mala? Notice he said esta é a sua mala. In this course we are learning to say essa for this. In more formal Portuguese esta (and este, isto) exist but they…
Brazilians hate making real commitments. They prefer being spontaneous. But, that doesn’t stop them from talking as if they’re going to do something 😉 Watch how this conversation almost goes off the rails while trying to set up a date. In this dialog, Michele (Mee-shell-ee) just finished having a job interview with Vívian. These are…
* New 3rd part will begin right after a replay the first two segments 🤞 This really is how this would play out in Brazil. Not that the maids here cover up the inevitable accidents, but just that things do_break. All 3 of these chapters happened to me, personally. Having a housekeeper is a real…
Portuguese gets complicated as soon as you start trying to say this and that. To this day I get these wrong. That’s because in Portuguese there are 3 different cases to consider. The subject can be male, female, or unknown. In time this starts to come naturally. Actually, what happens is you start to anticipate…
Read more...BERNARDO Nossa! Que aula. CELINA Cansativa, não é? BERNARDO Muito. Mas, gostei. CELINA Também. BERNARDO Você vem sempre aqui? CELINA Não. É minha primeira vez aqui. She could have been more formal and said, É a minha primeira vez aqui. But the article “a” isn’t really necessary. You’ll see the “o” & “a” mainly in…