contractions naquele, naquela, naquilo
Em combines (contracts) with aquele & aquela & aquilo. The translation is always, in that.
Em combines (contracts) with aquele & aquela & aquilo. The translation is always, in that.
The 3 most common Portuguese contractions are: (1) from em: no, na (2) from de: do, da (3) from a: ao, à. Once you know these 3, all the others will make sense! The hardest part is just getting used to saying for example, “no” when you do not mean “não” – but rather: em + o (in the).
Read more...De (of) can combine (contract) with esse/essa/isso as well as ele/ela.
De (of) combines (contracts) with ‘the”: o & a.
Em always combines (contracts) with “the”: o & a.
a (to) always combines (contracts) with “the”: o & a.
a (to) always combines (contracts) with certain words that follow it.
De (of) can combine (contract) with certain words that follow it.
Em always combines (contracts) with these words. It’s actually rare to see em alone in a sentence.
And now, você fala um pouco — um pouco de Português! Você entende? When you don’t entende (understand), you say: Eu não entendo. Get used to saying this 😉 We’re ignoring the nós (we), you all & they (vocês) conjugations because you don’t need them now.
The táxi driver says seja bem vindo ao Brasil. The grammar in this sentence is actually very complicated so let’s skip the explanation. You just need to learn that the ao is a+o. The “o” is THE and it’s just for masculine objects. The feminine version is “a” and so when you combine a +…
You’re already using “ao” to say at the or, to the, but it has another entirely different meaning when used together with a verb in the infinitive. When I first started hearing people say this I didn’t even notice t since it’s just an “ow” before a verb. I thought it was some weird slang….
Read more...THEO Bom dia. CLAIRE Eu ainda estou dormindo. THEO Feliz aniversário de casamento. If someone says, “é meu aniversário”, it’s their birthday. If someone says, “é nosso aniversário”, it’s their wedding anniversary. CLAIRE E disseram que não ia durar. DURAR = to last. DURO(A) = tough, grueling. How would you say, “Our marriage has lasted…
FELIPE O que você achou? CLAUDIA Oi? * Brazilians use “oi” to say “what”. FELIPE Do filme. O que você achou? JOSH Você viu essa ator no outro filme? Here are two examples of verbs in the “simple past” – an ~ar and an ~er verb : ACHAR & VER CLAUDIA Oi? FELIPE Está gostando?…
CLAUDIA Aqui tem algum filme do Alfred Hitchcock? Did you hear her say algum filme? She swallowed the algum. HUGO Oi? Não. Aqui são filmes românticos. Os filmes de suspense, eu não sei onde estão. I’m so proud of this line because it contains SER and ESTAR side-by-side — in the plural (they) -! Amazing….
BERNARDO Nossa! Que aula. CELINA Cansativa, não é? BERNARDO Muito. Mas, gostei. CELINA Também. BERNARDO Você vem sempre aqui? CELINA Não. É minha primeira vez aqui. She could have been more formal and said, É a minha primeira vez aqui. But the article “a” isn’t really necessary. You’ll see the “o” & “a” mainly in…
Ficar de olho means to keep an eye on. Literally, keep of the eye. MARK Is this cool? JAMES Looks ok to me. I don’t see anyone suspicious. MARK I’m gonna ask that girl to watch our stuff. JAMES Good luck with that. MARK Tudo bem! I’ve been studying. MARK Olá… Com licença. MARK Eu…