The meaning of PODER in Portuguese is similar to other verbs CONSEGUIR, DAR, and TER. While PODER is most common, knowing how to use others will give you super-powers. This post will show you the best, most common ways all of these verbs are used to say that something is possible or, can be done.
Brazilians use CONSEGUIR in Portuguese to say: to be able to / can.
ISN’T THIS THE SAME AS PODER? Brazilians use CONSEGUIR rather than PODER to say for example,
present indicativedecidir to decideeudecidovocê, ele, eladecidenósdecidimosvocês, eles, elasdecidem Complete conjugation.
RAMON Fala Marquinhos! If you want to sound like a Brazilian, say “Fala!” like you would say “hi”. MARCOS Acabou! Graças a Deus, acabou. ACABAR = to have just & to finish. In this context it translates to, “it’s over”. RAMON Mas aí, cara. Te deu a prova? He said te deu. What he really…
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