combinar ➜ to agree, combine
present indicativecombinar to agree, combineeucombinovocê, ele, elacombinanóscombinamosvocês, eles, elascombinam Complete conjugation.
present indicativecombinar to agree, combineeucombinovocê, ele, elacombinanóscombinamosvocês, eles, elascombinam Complete conjugation.
Brazilians hate making real commitments. They prefer being spontaneous. But, that doesn’t stop them from talking as if they’re going to do something 😉 Watch how this conversation almost goes off the rails while trying to set up a date. In this dialog, Michele (Mee-shell-ee) just finished having a job interview with Vívian. These are…
ARNALDO Bela! Oi. Como vai? BELA Vou bem, obrigada! E aí, como você está? You will “E aí” constantly – especially between good friends. It’s just the same as when we say “hey there”. It literally translates to: and there. ARNALDO Eu estou bem, obrigado. Tudo bem? BELA Tudo jóia? This one just sounds too…