Portuguese Articles: the The

The first thing that struck me as wrong with the use of o and a for THE. One letter? I really wanted at least an “el” or, “la”. Portuguese Articles (called: definite articles) are actually super-practical. Two immediate and big payoffs: (1) Most nouns that end in “o” take the “o”article. Most “a” ending words use “a” for “the”. (2) You can also combine…


Lição 4: ensino

Portuguese Articles Gender is everywhere in Portuguese. English is “gender neutral”. The Romance Languages are not. In Portuguese, words that describe things (adjectives) assume the gender of that thing. Gender is usually conveyed by the adjective ending in either o (masculine), or a (feminine). But there are exceptions. uma bebida uma casa pequena uma água…

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2: Onde fica? ➜ dialog

Com licença. Oi? Brazilian’s say oi? for “hi”. But they also use it to say, what? Você sabe onde fica o banco, ou um caixa eletrônico nessa rua? This was my first spoken sentence and it served me well. Sabe onde fica will get you out of trouble — and into new trouble 😉 Repeat…

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8: Faxineira 2 ➜ dialog

*The new chapter will begin right after a review of the first one 🤞. ARTUR Ô Lívia? This Ô is just like oh. Você pode usar a escada, tá? A perfect example of how Brazilians really say está. FAXINEIRA Tudo bem. Não preciso não, o patrão. Here you can hear her say the o patrão….

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