It took me forever to learn how to express the idea of to suppose or, to assume. I would always wind up using achar or, imagniar -- both of which really don't mean the same thing. The solution is simple, elegant - and rare:
SUPOR in Portuguese means to suppose.
A verb ending in -or! These or verbs are extremely rare.
All of the -or ending verbs originate from the verb POR (which used to be: POER!) are similarly conjugated so, let's do it:

to suppose
você, elesupõe
vocês, elessupõem
SUPOR is most commonly used like this:
Eu suponho que ela vai fazer depois.
➜ I suppose she'll do it later.
Vamos supor você está numa ilha deserta.
➜ translation
You can also use SUPOR to mean to assume:
Supondo a resposta é sim...
➜ Assuming the answer is yes...
I'm taking this verb as a KEEPER - it's now part of my vocabulary and I love using it. People are always a bit surprised to hear a gringo using it!