Portuguese verb TER is the one you're going to use more than any other.
But it can also be used as: is there / are there any.
TER: the Present Tense

Portuguese verb TER is among the Brazilian top-10 verbs:
dar, dizer, estar, fazer, ir, perder, poder, querer, saber, ser, ter, trazer
It's conjugation very irregular.
Eu tenho uma reserva.
I have a reservation.
Ela tem uma ideia.
She has an idea.
Você tem o jornal de hoje?
Do you have today's newspaper?
Tem uma mesa aqui?
Is there a table here?
*** The last example is used to ask, is there?
More examples of TER expressing is there/there are:
Na próxima rua tem um banco.
There's a bank on the next street.
Tem internet aqui?
Is there internet here?
HAVER does the same job but: Brazilians mainly use TER.
TER: saying "to have to"
Using the Portuguese verb TER to express to have to is similar to English. You just need to remember to include the que right after TER.
Eu tenho que ir.
I have to go.
Você vai ter que pagar.
You're going to have to pay.
Ela tem que entender.
She has to understand.
TER: saying "to be able to/ have a way to"
Ele tem como pagar?
» Can he pay?
Não tem como prever.
» You can't predict. (*also: There's no way to predict.)
Eu tenho como, sim.
» Yes I can.
TER in context
In the next post we'll talk about the superpowers of the verb TER.