Is there no end to the suffering? It's not enough that we have to learn to conjugate 3 different verb types (the ar, ei & ir endings). There is yet another group: the Portuguese ~or verbs!
Sim, e não.
The good news is that only a few of these are actually used and their conjugations (in all tenses) are virtually identical!
(1) pôr to put, place
Don't confuse this with por, which means "for" -! We're talking about the VERB pôr! It's the most common ~or ending verb. It's used mostly in the present and the (simple) past tenses. Like this:
Here's the complete conjugation of the verb pôr.
All of the other ~or verbs are just inventions of pôr.
(2) supor to suppose
This is used quite a lot!
You'll also hear it's past participle: suposto(a).
(3) dispor to dispose, incline, place into order
This verb is difficult to learn as there are several meanings. The one you're likely to encounter is, at your disposal and, willing (the past participle).
(4) propor to propose
You'll also hear it's past participle: proposto(a).
It's also a noun! ➜ the proposal ➜ a proposta
(5) expor to expose, exhibit
You'll also hear it's past participle: exposto
(6) compor to compose
You'll also hear it's past participle: composto
Less common Portuguese ~or verbs include:
sobrepor, opor, antepor, contrapor
pôr, supor, dispor, propor, expor, compor
✻ or ending verbs are RARE. This list is not complete, but these are really (really) the only ones you need to know.
➜ to put
➜ to suppose
➜ to dispose
➜ to propose
➜ to expose
➜ to propose

Complete conjugation.
The others are conjugated similarly in the present tense. 😻
Present tense examples
pôr Põe o vinho na mesa. ➜ Put the wine on the table please.
supor Vamos supor que um ET chegou. ➜ Let's suppose that an ET arrived.
expor Eu não quero me expor. ➜ I don't want to expose myself.
compor Ele gosta de compor relatórios. ➜ He likes to produce reports.
dispor Eu estou disposto a ajudar. ➜ I'm willing to help.
propor Eu propus um atraso. ➜ I proposed a delay.