< Portuguese Grammar

diminutives and augmentatives

Brazilians like to add endings at the end of words to give them a sense of cuteness or smallness or, as a sign of affection. These are called diminutives. The most common diminutive suffixes are:

masculine words --inho > bonitinho, devagarinho (cute, slowly)

masculine words --zinho > cafezinho, amorzinho (coffee, love)

feminine words --inha > garotinha, cervejinha (girl, beer)

feminine words --zinha > florzinha, mezinha (flower, table)

There are many different suffixes but these above are by far the most common. A more complete reference to using diminutives & augmentatives can be found at Street Smart Brazil.

It’s also very common to change noun endings to lend a sense of largeness or grandness. These are called augmentatives. The most common augmentative suffixes are:

--ão > Ele é meu amigão. (He's my great friend.)

--arão > Moro num casarão. (I live in a big house.)