A quick-reference of Portuguese grammar as it's used in Brazil.
a gente ➜ we (informal) Use a gente as a substitute for nós (we). Brazilians use this in casual conversation because it's faster and sounds great, though best used for informal situations only.
abrir ➜ to open You can use the Portuguese verb ABRIR to express: to open, to start or initiate, to turn on. Here are some very common and useful phrases using abrir...
acabar ➜ to end up You can use the Portuguese verb ACABAR to express: to finish/end. Here are some very common and useful phrases using acabar...
aceitar ➜ to accept You can use the Portuguese verb ACEITAR to express: to accept. Here are some very common and useful phrases using aceitar...
acertar ➜ to get right Use the Portuguese verb ACERTAR to express: to hit/guess correctly. Here are some very common and useful phrases using acertar...
achar ➜ to think, find Use the Portuguese verb ACHAR to express: to find/think. Here are some very common and useful phrases using achar...
acompanhar ➜ to accompany, follow Use the Portuguese verb ACOMPANHAR to express: to accompany/follow. Here are some very common and useful phrases using acompanhar...
acontecer ➜ to happen, occur Use the Portuguese verb ACONTECER to express: to happen. Here are some very common and useful phrases using acontecer...
acordar ➜ to wake up Use the Portuguese verb ACORDAR to express: to wake up. Here are some very common and useful phrases using acordar...
acostumar ➜ to get used to, accustomed Use the Portuguese verb ACOSTUMAR to express: to get used to. Here are some very common and useful phrases using acostumar...
acreditar ➜ to believe, trust Use the Portuguese verb ACREDITAR to express: to believe. Here are some very common and useful phrases using acreditar...
adaptar ➜ to adapt Use the Portuguese verb ADAPTAR to express: to adapt. Here are some very common and useful phrases using adaptar...
adicionar ➜ to add Use the Portuguese verb ADICIONAR to express: to add. Here are some very common and useful phrases using adicionar...
adivinhar ➜ to guess Use the Portuguese verb ADIVINHAR to say: to guess. Here are some very common and useful phrases using adivinhar...
adjectives Words that describe how, when, where, why, or to what extent—how often or how much (e.g., daily, completely). In English these often end in "ly".
administrar ➜ to administer Use the Portuguese verb ADMINISTRAR to say: to manage. Here are some very common and useful phrases using administrar...
adorar ➜ to adore, love Use the Portuguese verb ADORAR to say: to adore/love. Here are some very common and useful phrases using adorar...
adverbs Words that describe how, when, where, why, or to what extent—how often or how much (e.g., daily, completely). In English these often end in "ly".
adverbs of intensity In Portuguese, words that add emphasis such as almost, hardly, a lot, enough are called Adverbs of intensity.
adverbs of manner Words that express the manner in which something happened. They add emphasis and emotion.
adverbs of place: longe and perto POSITION: Words that describe position such as inside, on top of, below, beside. PLACE: Words that describe place such as far from, close to, in front of.
adverbs of position POSITION: Words that describe position such as inside, on top of, below, beside. PLACE: Words that describe place such as far from, close to, in front of.
affirmations: TER razão & ESTAR certeza There are specific ways that agreement is expressed. All use the words certeza (certainty) and razão (reason).
afirmar ➜ to affirm Use the Portuguese verb AFIRMAR to say: to affirm/state. Here are some very common and useful phrases using afirmar...
agradecer ➜ to thank Use the Portuguese verb AGRADECER to say: to thank. Here are some very common and useful phrases using agradecer...
aguardar ➜ to wait for, expect Use the Portuguese verb AGUARDAR to say: to wait. Here are some very common and useful phrases using aguardar...
aguentar ➜ to endure, stand Use the Portuguese verb AGUENTAR to say: to endure/stand. Here are some very common and useful phrases using aguentar...
ajudar ➜ to help Use the Portuguese verb AJUDAR to say: to help. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ajudar...
almoçar ➜ to (eat) lunch Use the Portuguese verb ALMOÇAR to say: to have lunch. Here are some very common and useful phrases using almoçar...
amar ➜ to love Use the Portuguese verb AMAR to say: to love. Here are some very common and useful phrases using amar...
andar ➜ to walk, step Use the Portuguese verb ANDAR to say: to walk/go. Here are some very common and useful phrases using andar...
anotar ➜ to affirm Use the Portuguese verb ANOTAR to say: to note/jot down. Here are some very common and useful phrases using anotar...
antes & depois You always need to place a de right after antes or depois. Always.
apagar ➜ to affirm Use the Portuguese verb APAGAR to say: to erase/turn off. Here are some very common and useful phrases using apagar...
aparecer ➜ to appear, show up Use the Portuguese verb APARECER to say: to appear. Here are some very common and useful phrases using aparecer...
apostar ➜ to bet Use the Portuguese verb APOSTAR to say: to bet. Here are some very common and useful phrases using apostar...
aprender ➜ to learn Use the Portuguese verb APRENDER to say: to learn. Here are some very common and useful phrases using aprender...
apresentar ➜ to present, introduce Use the Portuguese verb APRESENTAR to say: to introduce/present. Here are some very common and useful phrases using apresentar...
aprovar ➜ to approve Use the Portuguese verb APROVAR to say: to approve. Here are some very common and useful phrases using aprovar...
aproveitar ➜ to take advantage of Use the Portuguese verb APROVEITAR to say: to take advantage/enjoy. Here are some very common and useful phrases using aproveitar...
arranjar ➜ to affirm Use the Portuguese verb ARRANJAR to say: to arrange/get. Here are some very common and useful phrases using arranjar...
arrumar ➜ to fix up Use the Portuguese verb ARRUMAR to say: to tidy up/organize. Here are some very common and useful phrases using arrumar...
articles The gender of the: o or a, depends on the subject. Masculine nouns usually end in o, feminine in a. But it's not a firm rule as there are exceptions
assistir ➜ to watch, to assist ASSISTIR in Portuguese means TO WATCH, though it can also mean, TO ASSIST.
atender ➜ to attend, help Use the Portuguese verb ATENDER to say: to attend to/answer. Here are some very common and useful phrases using atender...
atrasar ➜ to delay Use the Portuguese verb ATRASAR to say: to delay. Here are some very common and useful phrases using atrasar...
atravessar ➜ to cross, pass-through Use the Portuguese verb ATRAVESSAR to say: to cross. Here are some very common and useful phrases using atravessar...
avisar ➜ to notify Use the Portuguese verb AVISAR to say: to warn/advise. Here are some very common and useful phrases using avisar...
baixar ➜ to lower, download Use the Portuguese verb BAIXAR to say: to download/lower. Here are some very common and useful phrases using baixar...
bater ➜ to beat, hit Use the Portuguese verb BATER to say: to hit/beat. Here are some very common and useful phrases using bater...
beber ➜ to drink Use the Portuguese verb BEBER to say: to drink. Here are some very common and useful phrases using beber...
botar ➜ to put, place Use the Portuguese verb BOTAR to say: to put/place. Here are some very common and useful phrases using botar...
brigar ➜ to fight, argue Use the Portuguese verb BRIGAR to say: to fight/argue. Here are some very common and useful phrases using brigar...
brincar: to play Use the Portuguese verb BRINCAR to say: to play (children's play). Here are some very common and useful phrases using brincar...
buscar ➜ to pick-up, search for Use the Portuguese verb BUSCAR to say: to search/pick up. Here are some very common and useful phrases using buscar...
cair ➜ to fall Use the Portuguese verb CAIR to say: to fall. Here are some very common and useful phrases using cair...
calcular ➜ to affirm Use the Portuguese verb CALCULAR to say: to calculate. Here are some very common and useful phrases using calcular...
calmar ➜ to calm Use the Portuguese verb CALMAR to say: to calm. Here are some very common and useful phrases using calmar...
cantar ➜ to sing Use the Portuguese verb CANTAR to say: to sing. Here are some very common and useful phrases using cantar...
casar ➜ to marry CASAR means to marry, get hitched, game over. There are no ambiguities, double-meanings or uncertainties about this verb, full stop.
chamar ➜ to call, be named Use the Portuguese verb CHAMAR to say: to call. Here are some very common and useful phrases using chamar...
chegar ➜ to arrive Use the Portuguese verb CHEGAR to say: to arrive. Here are some very common and useful phrases using chegar...
Chegou a hora When you want to say, it's time to or, the time has come to... Use chegou…
cheirar ➜ to smell Use the Portuguese verb CHEIRAR to say: to smell. Here are some very common and useful phrases using cheirar...
chorar ➜ to cry Use the Portuguese verb CHORAR to say: to cry. Here are some very common and useful phrases using chorar...
chover ➜ to rain Use the Portuguese verb CHOVER to say: to rain. Here are some very common and useful phrases using chover...
colocar ➜ to put, place Use the Portuguese verb COLOCAR to say: to put/place. Here are some very common and useful phrases using colocar...
com & sem You can use sem to say for example, that you want your coffee without sugar: SEM…
combinar ➜ to agree, combine Use the Portuguese verb COMBINAR to say: to combine/arrange. Here are some very common and useful phrases using combinar...
começar ➜ to start, begin Use the Portuguese verb COMEÇAR to say: to start. Here are some very common and useful phrases using começar...
comemorar ➜ to celebrate Use the Portuguese verb COMEMORAR to say: to celebrate. Here are some very common and useful phrases using comemorar...
comer ➜ to eat Use the Portuguese verb COMER to say: to eat. Here are some very common and useful phrases using comer...
common comparatives Comparing one thing to another is done by combining one of these words: superior, inferior, maior, menor, pior, melhor & etc. with ‘do que’.
common introduction phrases introductions
common physical descriptions Brazilians often call people by their physical attributes -- even if it's potentially unflattering or offensive…
completar ➜ to complete Use the Portuguese verb COMPLETAR to say: to complete. Here are some very common and useful phrases using completar...
comprar ➜ to buy Use the Portuguese verb COMPRAR to say: to buy. Here are some very common and useful phrases using comprar...complete. Here are some very common and useful phrases using completar...
confiar ➜ to trust Use the Portuguese verb CONFIAR to say: to trust. Here are some very common and useful phrases using confiar...
confirmar ➜ to confirm Use the Portuguese verb CONFIRMAR to say: to confirm. Here are some very common and useful phrases using confirmar...
conhecer ➜ to know (be familiar with) Use the Portuguese verb CONHECER to say: to know/meet. Here are some very common and useful phrases using conhecer...
conseguir ➜ to get, succeed Use the Portuguese verb CONSEGUIR to say: to manage/get. Here are some very common and useful phrases using conseguir...
consertar ➜ to fix Use the Portuguese verb CONSERTAR to say: to fix. Here are some very common and useful phrases using consertar...
contar ➜ to tell, count Use the Portuguese verb CONTAR to say: to count/tell. Here are some very common and useful phrases using contar...
continuar ➜ to continue Use the Portuguese verb CONTINUAR to say: to continue. Here are some very common and useful phrases using continuar...
contractions ao & à a (to) always combine (contract) with certain words that follow it.
contractions dele & dela De (of) can combine (contract) with certain words that follow it.
contractions desse, dessa, dele, dela De (of) can combine (contract) with certain words that follow it.
contractions do & da De (of) can combine (contract) with certain words that follow it.
contractions naquele, naquela, naquilo Em always combines (contracts) with these words. It's actually rare to see em alone in a sentence.
contractions no & na Em always combines (contracts) with these words. It's actually rare to see em alone in a sentence.
contractions with a a (to) always combine (contract) with certain words that follow it.
contractions with de De (of) can combine (contract) with certain words that follow it.
contractions with em Em always combines (contracts) with these words. It's actually rare to see em alone in a sentence.
conversar ➜ to converse Complete conjugation.
conversational forms of ESTAR In casual conversation, estar is abbreviated like this:
correr ➜ to run You can use the Portuguese verb ABRIR to express: to open, to start or initiate, to turn on. Here are some very common and useful phrases using abrir...
cortar ➜ to cut You can use the Portuguese verb ABRIR to express: to open, to start or initiate, to turn on. Here are some very common and useful phrases using abrir...
criar ➜ to create You can use the Portuguese verb ABRIR to express: to open, to start or initiate, to turn on. Here are some very common and useful phrases using abrir...
cuidar ➜ to take care of Use the Portuguese verb CUIDAR to say: to take care. Here are some very common and useful phrases using cuidar...
culpar ➜ to blame Use the Portuguese verb CULPAR to say: to blame. Here are some very common and useful phrases using culpar...
custar ➜ to cost Use the Portuguese verb CUSTAR to say: to cost. Here are some very common and useful phrases using custar...
dançar ➜ to dance Use the Portuguese verb DANÇAR to say: to dance. Here are some very common and useful phrases using dançar...
dar ➜ to give Use the Portuguese verb DAR to say: to give. Here are some very common and useful phrases using dar...
decepcionar ➜ to disappoint Use the Portuguese verb DECEPCIONAR to say: to disappoint. Here are some very common and useful phrases using decepcionar...
decidir ➜ to decide Use the Portuguese verb DECIDIR to say: to decide. Here are some very common and useful phrases using decidir...
deitar ➜ to lay down Use the Portuguese verb DEITAR to say: to lie down. Here are some very common and useful phrases using deitar...
deixar ➜ to leave, let Use the Portuguese verb DEIXAR to say: to leave/let. Here are some very common and useful phrases using deixar...
demorar ➜ to delay, last, take time Use the Portuguese verb DEMORAR to say: to delay/take time. Here are some very common and useful phrases using demorar...
depender ➜ to depend (on) Use the Portuguese verb DEPENDER to say: to depend. Here are some very common and useful phrases using depender...
descer ➜ to descend, go down Use the Portuguese verb DESCER to say: to go down/descend. Here are some very common and useful phrases using descer...
descobrir ➜ to discover Use the Portuguese verb DESCOBRIR to say: to discover. Here are some very common and useful phrases using descobrir...
desculpar ➜ to excuse Use the Portuguese verb DESCULPAR to say: to excuse. Here are some very common and useful phrases using desculpar...
desejar ➜ to desire Use the Portuguese verb DESEJAR to say: to wish. Here are some very common and useful phrases using desejar...
desenhar ➜ to design Use the Portuguese verb DESENHAR to say: to draw/design. Here are some very common and useful phrases using desenhar...
desenvolver ➜ to develop Use the Portuguese verb DESENVOLVER to say: to develop. Here are some very common and useful phrases using desenvolver...
desistir ➜ to desist, give up Use the Portuguese verb DESISTIR to say: to give up. Here are some very common and useful phrases using desistir...
desligar ➜ to turn off Use the Portuguese verb DESLIGAR to say: to turn off/disconnect. Here are some very common and useful phrases using desligar...
dever ➜ must, ought Use the Portuguese verb DEVER to say: to owe/must. Here are some very common and useful phrases using dever...
devolver ➜ to give back Use the Portuguese verb DEVOLVER to say: to return (something). Here are some very common and useful phrases using devolver...
diminutives and augmentatives Brazilians like to add endings at the end of words to give them a sense of cuteness or smallness or, as a sign of affection.These are called diminutives.
discutir ➜ to discuss Use the Portuguese verb DISCUTIR to say: to discuss/argue. Here are some very common and useful phrases using discutir...
dividir ➜ to share, divide Use the Portuguese verb DIVIDIR to say: to divide/share. Here are some very common and useful phrases using dividir...
dizer ➜ to say, tell Use the Portuguese verb DIZER to say: to say/tell. Here are some very common and useful phrases using dizer...
doer ➜ to hurt Use the Portuguese verb DOER to say: to hurt. Here are some very common and useful phrases using doer...
dormir ➜ to sleep Use the Portuguese verb DOER to say: to hurt. Here are some very common and useful phrases using doer...
durar ➜ to last Use the Portuguese verb DURAR to say: to last. Here are some very common and useful phrases using durar...
duvidar ➜ to doubt Use the Portuguese verb DUVIDAR to say: to doubt. Here are some very common and useful phrases using duvidar...
emprestar ➜ to loan Use the Portuguese verb EMPRESTAR to say: to lend. Here are some very common and useful phrases using emprestar...
encher ➜ to fill Use the Portuguese verb ENCHER to say: to fill. Here are some very common and useful phrases using encher...
encontrar ➜ to meet Use the Portuguese verb ENCONTRAR to say: to find/meet. Here are some very common and useful phrases using encontrar...
ensinar ➜ to teach Use the Portuguese verb ENSINAR to say: to teach. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ensinar...
entender ➜ to understand Use the Portuguese verb ENTENDER to say: to understand. Here are some very common and useful phrases using entender...
entrar ➜ to enter Use the Portuguese verb ENTRAR to say: to enter. Here are some very common and useful phrases using entrar...
entregar ➜ to deliver Use the Portuguese verb ENTREGAR to say: to deliver. Here are some very common and useful phrases using entregar...
enviar ➜ to send (mail) Use the Portuguese verb ENVIAR to say: to send. Here are some very common and useful phrases using enviar...
esclarecer » to clarify Use the Portuguese verb ESCLARECER to say: to clarify. Here are some very common and useful phrases using esclarecer...
escolher ➜ to choose Use the Portuguese verb ESCOLHER to say: to choose. Here are some very common and useful phrases using escolher...
esconder ➜ to hide Use the Portuguese verb ESCONDER to say: to hide. Here are some very common and useful phrases using esconder...
escrever ➜ to write Use the Portuguese verb ESCREVER to say: to write. Here are some very common and useful phrases using escrever...
escutar ➜ to listen Use the Portuguese verb ESCUTAR to say: to listen. Here are some very common and useful phrases using escutar...
esperar ➜ to wait Use the Portuguese verb ESPERAR to say: to wait/hope. Here are some very common and useful phrases using esperar...
esquecer ➜ to forget Use the Portuguese verb ESQUECER to say: to forget. Here are some very common and useful phrases using esquecer...
estar ➜ to be (temporary) Use the Portuguese verb ESTAR to say: to be. Here are some very common and useful phrases using estar...
ESTAR com ciúmes To be jealous.
estudar ➜ to study Use the Portuguese verb ESTUDAR to say: to study. Here are some very common and useful phrases using estudar...
existir ➜ to exist Use the Portuguese verb EXISTIR to say: to exist. Here are some very common and useful phrases using existir...
EXPERIMENTAR & PROVAR EXPERIMENTAR & PROVAR both mean: to try out, to try on, to sample, to test Experimentar…
experimentar ➜ to experiment, test Use the Portuguese verb EXPERIMENTAR to say: to try. Here are some very common and useful phrases using experimentar...
explicar ➜ to explain Use the Portuguese verb EXPLICAR to say: to explain. Here are some very common and useful phrases using explicar...
expressing “about” The most used ways to express about are:
expressing “there” with aí, ali & lá The 3 words used to express, there are: aí: where the listener is. ali: within eyesight…
expression: assim Assim has two main meanings: like this & like that
expression: cá Cá means here (aqui). It's used in several very common phrases and you can't simply substitute…
expressions “X a Y” Lot's of key expressions follow an “X a Y” structure such as, “nada a ver” (nothing…
expressions of time the past
expressions using DAR DAR is used all the time in many different expressions. In each one of them it's…
expressions using DEIXAR There are several key expressions that Brazilians use with the verb DEIXAR.
expressions using FAZER There are several key expressions that Brazilians use with the verb FAZER.
expresssing “this” & “that”, “these” & “those” There are three diferent words for saying this and three for that. Which one you use depends on the gender of the thing you're talking about.
falar ➜ to speak Use the Portuguese verb FALAR to say: to speak. Here are some very common and useful phrases using falar...
faltar ➜ to lack, miss, be out of Use the Portuguese verb FALTAR to say: to lack/miss. Here are some very common and useful phrases using faltar...
fazer ➜ to make, do Use the Portuguese verb FAZER to say: to do/make. Here are some very common and useful phrases using fazer...
fechar ➜ to close Use the Portuguese verb FECHAR to say: to close. Here are some very common and useful phrases using fechar...
ficar ➜ to remain, stay, become Use the Portuguese verb FICAR to say: to stay/remain. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ficar...
formal address When you want to address someone that's older or, in a formal situation use: o senhor and a senhora.
formar ➜ to form Use the Portuguese verb FORMAR to say: to form. Here are some very common and useful phrases using formar...
frequentar ➜ to frequent Use the Portuguese verb FREQUENTAR to say: to attend. Here are some very common and useful phrases using frequentar...
fugir ➜ to flee, get away Use the Portuguese verb FUGIR to say: to escape. Here are some very common and useful phrases using fugir...
fumar ➜ to smoke Use the Portuguese verb FUMAR to say: to smoke. Here are some very common and useful phrases using fumar...
funcionar ➜ to function Use the Portuguese verb FUNCIONAR to say: to function/work. Here are some very common and useful phrases using funcionar...
ganhar ➜ to gain, win Use the Portuguese verb GANHAR to say: to win/earn. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ganhar...
gostar ➜ to like Use the Portuguese verb GOSTAR to say: to like. Here are some very common and useful phrases using gostar...
gritar ➜ to yell, scream, shout Use the Portuguese verb GRITAR to say: to shout. Here are some very common and useful phrases using gritar...
guardar ➜ to keep Use the Portuguese verb GUARDAR to say: to keep. Here are some very common and useful phrases using guardar...
haver ➜ to have, be, have been You can use the verb HAVER to express, it's been a while, as well as, there are (exist)...
how gender is used The gender of the: o or a, depends on the subject. Masculine nouns usually end in o, feminine in a. But it's not a firm rule as there are exceptions
imaginar ➜ to imagine Use the Portuguese verb IMAGINAR to say: to imagine. Here are some very common and useful phrases using imaginar...
imperative mood: irregulars > For AR regular verbs you just replace the a with an e. > For ER & IR regular verbs you just replace the e with an a.
importar ➜ to matter, import Use the Portuguese verb IMPORTAR to say: to matter/import. Here are some very common and useful phrases using importar...
incluir ➜ to include Use the Portuguese verb INCLUIR to say: to include. Here are some very common and useful phrases using incluir...
incomodar ➜ to bother Use the Portuguese verb INCOMODAR to say: to bother. Here are some very common and useful phrases using incomodar...
indefinite pronoun: todo todo(a) = all, every
indefinite pronouns: algo, nada, tudo, cada Called indefinite pronouns because they refer to things that are indefinite.
indefinite pronouns: algum, nenhum algum(a) = some nenhum(a) = no one
indefinite pronouns: algum, nenhum, pouco, muito, todo These indefinite pronouns are the most common and useful. These all refer to the NUMBER of things: some, none, few, many & every.
indefinite pronouns: pouco, muito pouco(a) = few, a little muito(a) = much, many
indefinite pronouns: qualquer, bastante, tanto These indefinite pronouns are also very common.
indefinite pronouns: uns, vários, certo These indefinite pronouns are also very common.
indicar ➜ to indicate, recommend Use the Portuguese verb INDICAR to say: to indicate. Here are some very common and useful phrases using indicar...
informar ➜ to inform Use the Portuguese verb INFORMAR to say: to inform. Here are some very common and useful phrases using informar...
instalar ➜ to install Use the Portuguese verb INSTALAR to say: to install. Here are some very common and useful phrases using instalar...
interessar ➜ to inform Use the Portuguese verb INTERESSAR to say: to interest. Here are some very common and useful phrases using interessar...
ir ➜ to go Use the Portuguese verb IR to say: to go. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ir...
jantar ➜ to have dinner Use the Portuguese verb JANTAR to say: to have dinner. Here are some very common and useful phrases using jantar...
jogar ➜ to throw Use the Portuguese verb JOGAR to say: to play (games/sports). Here are some very common and useful phrases using jogar...
jurar ➜ to swear, vow Use the Portuguese verb JURAR to say: to swear. Here are some very common and useful phrases using jurar...
lançar ➜ to launch Use the Portuguese verb LANÇAR to say: to launch. Here are some very common and useful phrases using lançar...
largar ➜ to let go, quit Use the Portuguese verb LARGAR to say: to let go. Here are some very common and useful phrases using largar...
lavar ➜ to wash Use the Portuguese verb LAVAR to say: to wash. Here are some very common and useful phrases using lavar...
lembrar ➜ to remember Use the Portuguese verb LEMBRAR to say: to remember/remind. Here are some very common and useful phrases using lembrar...
ler ➜ to read Use the Portuguese verb LER to say: to read. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ler...
levantar ➜ to get up Use the Portuguese verb LEVANTAR to say: to lift/get up. Here are some very common and useful phrases using levantar...
levar ➜ to carry, take Use the Portuguese verb LEVAR to say: to take. Here are some very common and useful phrases using levar...
ligar ➜ to call, connect LIGAR can have several useful meanings. Not only is it used to say. ME LIGA! (call me) - it's also used like this: Não liga para ele, não = Don't pay attention to him.
machucar ➜ to hurt, injure You can use the Portuguese verb ABRIR to express: to open, to start or initiate, to turn on. Here are some very common and useful phrases using abrir...
mandar ➜ to order, demand Use the Portuguese verb MANDAR to say: to send. Here are some very common and useful phrases using mandar...
marcar ➜ to schedule MARCAR in Portuguese means to mark, set or schedule.
Me deixa! DEIXAR = to leave, let. Brazilians use this verb all the time in expressions such as…
melhor The best. It doesn't change with gender it's always: o melhor; a melhor.
melhorar ➜ to improve Use the Portuguese verb MELHORAR to say: to improve. Here are some very common and useful phrases using melhorar...
mergulhar ➜ to swim Use the Portuguese verb MERGULHAR to say: to dive. Here are some very common and useful phrases using mergulhar...
mexer ➜ to move, stir Use the Portuguese verb MEXER to say: to stir/move. Here are some very common and useful phrases using mexer...
morar ➜ to live Use the Portuguese verb MORAR to say: to live/reside. Here are some very common and useful phrases using morar...
morrer ➜ to die Use the Portuguese verb MORRER to say: to die. Here are some very common and useful phrases using morrer...
mostrar ➜ to show Use the Portuguese verb MOSTRAR to say: to show. Here are some very common and useful phrases using mostrar...
mudar ➜ to move, change Use the Portuguese verb MUDAR to say: to change. Here are some very common and useful phrases using mudar...
muito versus muita When talking about the degree (very), always use muito.
namorar ➜ to date Complete conjugation.
object pronouns (advanced): lo, la There are other substitutions you can make besides the te for você. Besides te, the next most commonly used are,
object pronouns (simple): me, te There are two extremely common substitutions made in conversational Portuguese: para você > gets replaced by…
observar ➜ to observe Use the Portuguese verb OBSERVAR to say: to observe. Here are some very common and useful phrases using observar...
ocupar ➜ to occupy Use the Portuguese verb OCUPAR to say: to occupy. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ocupar...
oferecer ➜ to throw Use the Portuguese verb OFERECER to say: to offer. Here are some very common and useful phrases using oferecer...
olhar ➜ to look Use the Portuguese verb OLHAR to say: to look. Here are some very common and useful phrases using olhar...
or ending verbs pôr, supor, dispor, propor, expor, compor ✻ or ending verbs are RARE. This list is not…
ordinal numbers Números ordinais are the way to say first, second, third ETC. These need to be gendered…
ouvir ➜ to hear, listen Use the Portuguese verb OUVIR to say: to hear. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ouvir...
pagar ➜ to pay Use the Portuguese verb PAGAR to say: to pay. Here are some very common and useful phrases using pagar...
parar ➜ to stop Use the Portuguese verb PARAR to say: to stop. Here are some very common and useful phrases using parar...
parecer ➜ to seem, appear PARECER in Portuguese means to seem, to appear.
participar ➜ to participate Use the Portuguese verb PARTICIPAR to say: to participate. Here are some very common and useful phrases using participar...
partir ➜ to depart, leave Use the Portuguese verb PARTIR to say: to leave. Here are some very common and useful phrases using partir...
passar ➜ to pass Use the Portuguese verb PASSAR to say: to pass/spend time. Here are some very common and useful phrases using passar...
past participles of verbs A past participle is just a verb conjugation that describes something that is over and done: written, said, cooked, closed etc.
pedir ➜ to ask for, request Use the Portuguese verb PEDIR to say: to ask for/order. Here are some very common and useful phrases using pedir...
pegar ➜ to get, take Use the Portuguese verb PEGAR to say: to catch/grab. Here are some very common and useful phrases using pegar...
pensar ➜ to think Use the Portuguese verb PENSAR to say: to think. Here are some very common and useful phrases using pensar...
perceber ➜ to realize, perceive Use the Portuguese verb PERCEBER to say: to realize. Here are some very common and useful phrases using perceber...
perder ➜ to lose Use the Portuguese verb PERDER to say: to lose. Here are some very common and useful phrases using perder...
perguntar ➜ to ask Use the Portuguese verb PERGUNTAR to say: to ask. Here are some very common and useful phrases using perguntar...
permitir ➜ to permit Use the Portuguese verb PERMITIR to say: to permit. Here are some very common and useful phrases using permitir...
pesar ➜ to weigh Use the Portuguese verb PESAR to say: to weigh. Here are some very common and useful phrases using pesar...
plurals that have l, r, s, & z endings Words ending in r: add es ---------------------------------- Words ending in s: add es ---------------------------------- Words ending…
plurals that have m & ão endings Ending in "m" change the m to ns.
poder ➜ to be able to, can Use the Portuguese verb PODER to say: to be able/can. Here are some very common and useful phrases using poder...
pôr ➜ to put Use the Portuguese verb PÔR to say: to put. Here are some very common and useful phrases using pôr...
portuguese prepositions These are the most common Portuguese prepositions: a = at, to de = of, from, to…
possessive pronouns mine & yours mine = meu / minha yours = seu / sua
pousar ➜ to land Use the Portuguese verb POUSAR to say: to land. Here are some very common and useful phrases using pousar...
PRECISAR + de Expressing need in Portuguese is almost always accomplished with PRECISAR. When talking about needing something PRECISAR…
precisar ➜ to need Use the Portuguese verb PRECISAR to say: to need. Here are some very common and useful phrases using precisar...
preferir ➜ to prefer Use the Portuguese verb PREFERIR to say: to prefer. Here are some very common and useful phrases using preferir...
preocupar ➜ to worry Use the Portuguese verb PREOCUPAR to say: to worry. Here are some very common and useful phrases using preocupar...
preparar ➜ to prepare Use the Portuguese verb PREPARAR to say: to prepare. Here are some very common and useful phrases using preparar...
Present Indicative tense The present tense (the present indicative) is formed depending on the verb endings ~ar verbs, ~er…
prestar ➜ deliver (a service), be worthy, to pay (attention) PRESTAR is commonly only used to express three things: (1) providing, supplying a service. (2) expressing…
pretender ➜ to intend Use the Portuguese verb PRETENDER to say: to intend. Here are some very common and useful phrases using pretender...
prever ➜ to predict Use the Portuguese verb PREVER to say: to foresee. Here are some very common and useful phrases using prever...
procurar ➜ to procure, look for Use the Portuguese verb PROCURAR to say: to search/look for. Here are some very common and useful phrases using procurar...
provar ➜ to prove, try out Use the Portuguese verb PROVAR to say: to prove/taste. Here are some very common and useful phrases using provar...
puxar ➜ to pull Use the Portuguese verb PUXAR to say: to pull. Here are some very common and useful phrases using puxar...
quebrar ➜ to break Use the Portuguese verb QUEBRAR to say: to break. Here are some very common and useful phrases using quebrar...
querer ➜ to want Use the Portuguese verb QUERER to say: to want. Here are some very common and useful phrases using querer...
receber ➜ to receive Use the Portuguese verb RECEBER to say: to receive. Here are some very common and useful phrases using receber...
reflexive verbs A verb becomes reflexive when it's used to talk about doing something to oneself, such as…
relaxar ➜ to relax Use the Portuguese verb RELAXAR to say: to relax. Here are some very common and useful phrases using relaxar...
remarcar ➜ to reschedule Use the Portuguese verb REMARCAR to say: to reschedule. Here are some very common and useful phrases using remarcar...
reparar ➜ to notice Use the Portuguese verb REPARAR to say: to notice/repair. Here are some very common and useful phrases using reparar...
repetir ➜ to repeat Use the Portuguese verb REPETIR to say: to repeat. Here are some very common and useful phrases using repetir...
resolver ➜ to resolve Use the Portuguese verb RESOLVER to say: to solve/decide. Here are some very common and useful phrases using resolver...
respirar ➜ to breathe Use the Portuguese verb RESPIRAR to say: to breathe. Here are some very common and useful phrases using respirar...
responder ➜ to respond Use the Portuguese verb RESPONDER to say: to answer. Here are some very common and useful phrases using responder...
rolar ➜ to happen, roll Use the Portuguese verb ROLAR to say: to roll. Here are some very common and useful phrases using rolar...
saber ➜ to know (a fact) Use the Portuguese verb SABER to say: to know. Here are some very common and useful phrases using saber...
sair ➜ to leave, go out Use the Portuguese verb SAIR to say: to leave/go out. Here are some very common and useful phrases using sair...
seguir ➜ to follow Use the Portuguese verb SEGUIR to say: to follow. Here are some very common and useful phrases using seguir...
sem (without) + verb in Portuguese You can combine sem, plus (almost) any verb in it’s infinitive form. You can use this…
sentar ➜ to sit Use the Portuguese verb SENTAR to say: to sit. Here are some very common and useful phrases using sentar...
sentir ➜ to feel Use the Portuguese verb SENTIR to say: to feel. Here are some very common and useful phrases using sentir...
ser ➜ to be (permanent) Use the Portuguese verb SER to say: to be. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ser...
SER and ESTAR Ser is for somewhat permanent characteristics. Estar is for temporary passing things.
SER and FICAR ser ficar
SER in the infinitive Use the Portuguese verb SER to say: to be. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ser...
servir ➜ to serve Use the Portuguese verb SERVIR to say: to serve. Here are some very common and useful phrases using servir...
significar ➜ to signify, mean Use the Portuguese verb SIGNIFICAR to say: to mean. Here are some very common and useful phrases using significar...
simple case plurals Simple case: just add an s.
slang and expressions UNDER CONSTRUCTION Slang is a type of language that is informal and playful. It often changes…
soltar ➜ to release, let go Use the Portuguese verb SOLTAR to say: to release/let go. Here are some very common and useful phrases using soltar...
sonhar ➜ to dream Use the Portuguese verb SONHAR to say: to dream. Here are some very common and useful phrases using sonhar...
subir ➜ to go up Use the Portuguese verb SUBIR to say: to go up. Here are some very common and useful phrases using subir...
sujar ➜ to dirty Use the Portuguese verb SUJAR to say: to dirty. Here are some very common and useful phrases using sujar...
tentar ➜ to try Use the Portuguese verb TENTAR to say: to try. Here are some very common and useful phrases using tentar...
ter ➜ to have Use the Portuguese verb TER to say: to have. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ter...
terminar ➜ to end, finish, terminate Use the Portuguese verb TERMINAR to say: to finish. Here are some very common and useful phrases using terminar...
the conditional tense To say, would you add an ia to the verb's infinitive. Irregulars are irregular but not difficult to learn.
the expression: cadê Cadê is an expression that's used in everyday speech - all the time! Use it to…
the expression: de graça de graça = free of charge / for free.
the expression: De onde você é? You are asking literally: Of where you are?; but the correct translation is of course: Where…
the expression: em falta This expression using the verb FALTAR (to lack, run out of) means: to be out of
the expression: encher o saco ENCHER o saco = to fill the sack: to annoy, piss someone off.
the expression: fala sério This expression means: Be serious!
the expression: IR embora The phrase vamos embora evolved from the old time phrase Vamos em boa hora. Say it…
the expression: já volto Já volto means, I’ll be right back. Literally, already, I’m back. You just need to remember…
the expression: jeito jeito = way, manner Several important expressions use this word: dar um jeito Literally, to give…
the expression: mesmo Mesmo can be used to add emphasis in the same way really does.
the expression: muito prazer The proper way to say this is, muito prazer em conhecer você ➜➜ very pleased to…
the expression: Nada a ver Use this to express: nothing to do (with). The cost has nothing to do with it.…
the expression: não é Isn't it. This usually gets shortened to "né".
the expression: nem Use nem when you want to say, don't even.
the expression: papo BATER papo = to chat (literally: to hit chat). O papo = the chat.
the expression: pode SER When PODER is combined with SER it takes on the meaning, maybe, might be, could be.
the expression: QUERER DIZER This translates to "to mean".
the expression: saudades Use saudade to express longing and missing. It can be of a person or a place…
the expression: sua praia This a common expression used to say: your thing (as in, something one likes). Use it…
the expression: TER como When TER is combined with como it takes on the meaning, to be able to, to…
the expression: todo mundo Use todo mundo to express everyone. It literally means: the entire world.
the expression: tudo bem tudo bem = everything fine or, everything ok. It can be a question as well as…
the expression: valer a pena When VALER is combined with a pena (the penalty), it takes on the meaning of to…
the expressions: chato, chata Use chato to call something or someone annoying, boring, stupid.
the expressions: mais cedo & mais tarde Literally: more early, more late. Use this to say: sooner or later.
the future of SER: seja Use a gente as a substitute for nós (we). Brazilians use this in conversation because it’s faster and sounds great.
the future subjunctive Use the future subjunctive tense to talk about things that are likely to happen, but that have not yet occurred.
the future subjunctive irregular verbs Use the future subjunctive tense to talk about things that are likely to happen, but that have not yet occurred.
the future tense Also known as the future indicative or future of the present, this tense is mainly used…
the future tense using IR You can use ir to say where your going right now, or what you're going to do later on. You just need to know how to conjugate ir in the present tense.
the imperative mood > For AR regular verbs you just replace the a with an e. > For ER & IR regular verbs you just replace the e with an a.
the imperfect subjunctive tense Use the imperfect subjunctive tense to talk about things that are extremely unlikely to have happened or happen.
the imperfect subjunctive with conditional Use the imperfect subjunctive tense to talk about things that are extremely unlikely to have happened or happen.
the imperfect tense Use the Imperfect Indicative when talking about actions that were continuous, habitual, or repeated over an unspecified period of time. Something that used to happen or, would (always) happen.
the imperfect tense of ESTAR To express was When talking about action in the past, use the imperfect indicative tense of estar --> estava.
the imperfect tense of SABER The Imperfect Indicative tense of SABER - in Portuguese
the imperfect tense of SER Ser is irregular in the Imperfect Indicative tense. ✻ The Imperfect tense is used when talking…
the imperfect tense of TER Ter is irregular in the Imperfect Indicative tense. ✻ The Imperfect tense is used when talking…
the interrogative pronouns Quem? Quanto? Quanto custa? Por que? Como? Onde? Qual? O que? Quando?
the Portuguese Infinitive The Portuguese infinitive is just the verb itself - unconjugated. These generally translate as "to run,…
the preposition de The Portuguese "de" changes with context of the sentence to mean either of, from, by or about.
the preposition por Por often gets used along with "the" (o, a). When it does it gets contracted like this: > por + o = pelo > por + a = pela
the present perfect tense The Present Perfect (verb tense) is used to talk about action that's on-going: what has been…
the present progressive tense Use this to say what's happening right now: I'm working, He's surfing, You're talking, etc. It's…
the present subjunctive tense Use the present subjunctive tense to talk about things that are plausible yet uncertain to happen.
the present tense of ~er verbs * More accurately called, the present indicative tense.
the present tense of ~ar verbs The present tense (the present indicative) of ~ar ending verbs is best revealed by these examples:
the present tense of ~ir verbs ✻ More accurately called, the present indicative tense. There aren't many ~ir verbs. The most common…
the present tense of DESCOBRIR & SAIR Two popular irregular ~IR verbs in the present tense.
the present tense of irregular verbs There are plenty of irregular verbs in the present tense (the present indicative). These are the…
the present tense of verbs: PERDER, PEDIR, DORMIR Some popular irregular verbs in the present tense.
the present versus past tense of PEDIR & OUVIR PEDIR and OUVIR have similar ~irregulr conjugations in the present and the simple past. These are…
the preterit tense of ~ar verbs "simple past" = action that is over and done. This is called, the preterit indicative tense.
the preterit tense of ~er verbs The "simple past" = action that is over and done. Officially called the Preterit Indicative tense.
the preterit tense of ~ir verbs The "simple past" = action that is over and done. Officially called the Preterit Indicative tense.…
the preterit tense of verbs SER and IR There's something MAGICAL about seeing a grammar rule like this one : The preterite ser and ir ~ in a GRAPHICAL WAY. You'll remember the rule after watching just once!
the preterit tense of verbs: TER, DIZER, FAZER Some popular irregular verbs in the simple past tense. * More correctly called, the preterit indicative…
the verb DAR with para dar para = to be possible (to) Use this when you want to convey the possibility of something.
tirar ➜ to remove, take away Use the Portuguese verb TIRAR to say: to take/remove. Here are some very common and useful phrases using tirar...
tocar ➜ to touch (play an instrument) Use the Portuguese verb TOCAR to say: to touch/play (instrument). Here are some very common and useful phrases using tocar...
tomar ➜ to take Use the Portuguese verb TOMAR to say: to take/drink. Here are some very common and useful phrases using tomar...
torcer ➜ to cheer, root for Use the Portuguese verb TORCER to say: to twist/root for. Here are some very common and useful phrases using torcer...
tornar ➜ to turn into, become Use the Portuguese verb TORNAR to say: to change/turn into. Here are some very common and useful phrases using tornar...
trabalhar ➜ to work Use the Portuguese verb TRABALHAR to say: to work. Here are some very common and useful phrases using trabalhar...
trancar ➜ to lock, latch Use the Portuguese verb TRANCAR to say: to lock. Here are some very common and useful phrases using trancar...
trazer ➜ to bring Use the Portuguese verb TRAZER to say: to bring. Here are some very common and useful phrases using trazer...
trocar ➜ to trade, exchange Use the Portuguese verb TROCAR to say: to exchange/swap. Here are some very common and useful phrases using trocar...
usar Use the Portuguese verb USAR to say: to use. Here are some very common and useful phrases using usar...
using ACABAR with de You can use the Portuguese verb ACABAR to express: to end, wind-up, have just (done something), Here are some very common (useful!) phrases using ACABAR...
using COMEÇAR with a You always need to place an "a" right after the verb COMEÇAR when another verb follows.…
using DESCER & SUBIR DESCER = to go down. It's most commonly used in the context of going up &…
using DEVER with verbs in the infinitive You can combine dever with any verb in the infinitive to express should/must. Like this:
using DEVERIA deveria + ter = ought to have / should have
using double negatives It's not required to use a negative (não) twice in a sentence. However, Brazilians love to use the double negative.
using ele & ela in place of it As soon as you've brought up something in a sentence you can start referring to it…
using ESTAR with com Use estar com to say things like,
using ESTAR with de Use estar de to say things like,
using GOSTAR with de The verb GOSTAR is always followed by a de. This translates as, to like of.
using indefinite pronouns tanto & tanta That much, so much, as much, so many.
using mais To express things like newer, older, prettier, more expensive etc., use mais.
using onde Onde in Portuguese is used in several different ways. It's important to use it with the…
using para Para has two meanings: to a place & in order to.
using PODER with verbs Poder = to be able to, can. It's often paired with a verb like this:
using PRECISAR with verbs IWhen PRECISAR is followed by another verb you don't need the de. But the following verb…
using primeiro(a) Primeiro(a) means, first. The ending has to agree with the subject gender.
using SER & FICAR to express “becoming” Ser & Ficar can often be used interchangeably in cases like these: becoming / getting to…
using SER & FICAR to express location Ser & ficar can be used interchangeably to talk about the location of something: When talking…
using SER in the conditional form: SERIA SER = to be. Seria is the conditional form: would be.
using tão Use tão to express so, so much, so very. Use it convey degree, not quantity.
using TER with que to express “to have to” To have to or, must. Ter que literally means to have that.
using the preposition por + articles Por often gets used along with "the" (o, a). When it does it gets contracted like this: > por + o = pelo > por + a = pela
using the verb PARAR with de When paired with de, para + de can be used to say, "Stop xxx".
valer ➜ to be worth Use the Portuguese verb VALER to say: to be worth. Here are some very common and useful phrases using valer...
vender: to sell Use the Portuguese verb VENDER to say: to sell. Here are some very common and useful phrases using vender...
ver ➜ to see Use the Portuguese verb VER to say: to see. Here are some very common and useful phrases using ver...
verificar ➜ to verify Use the Portuguese verb VERIFICAR to say: to verify/check. Here are some very common and useful phrases using verificar...
vestir ➜ to wear Use the Portuguese verb VESTIR to say: to wear. Here are some very common and useful phrases using vestir...
viajar ➜ to travel Use the Portuguese verb VIAJAR to say: to travel. Here are some very common and useful phrases using viajar...
vir ➜ to come Use the Portuguese verb VIR to say: to come. Here are some very common and useful phrases using vir...
VIR vs. VER pronunciation ✱ It's easy to mix up the pronunciation of vir with ver: ➜ to come |||…
virar ➜ to turn (around, into) Use the Portuguese verb VIRAR to say: to turn. Here are some very common and useful phrases using virar...
visitar ➜ to visit Use the Portuguese verb VISITAR to say: to visit. Here are some very common and useful phrases using visitar...
viver ➜ to live Use the Portuguese verb VIVER to say: to live. Here are some very common and useful phrases using viver...
voltar ➜ to return Use the Portuguese verb VOLTAR to say: to return/go back. Here are some very common and useful phrases using voltar...