O Código de Ipanema

ipanema in brazil

The word code is


To say QR code it's: código QR. 'QR code' is that new square mosaic black & white pattern that's starting to appear everywhere -- magazines, products and now -- the sidewalk in Ipanema (Rio de Janeiro). They are taking over old-fashioned barcodes because they can be read by smartphones and link to things like websites.

These QR códigos were installed >> foram instalados << 
in the sidewalk >> na calçada << along the beach >> 
ao longo da praia. 
They will help tourists >> Eles vão ajudar os turistas << 
learn about the history >> aprender sobre a história << 
of the area >> da região. 
In fact, >> de fato << they are installing these codes >> 
eles estão instalando esses códigos << all over the city >> na cidade toda!

More about this.