mais in Portuguese

mais in Portuguese

Mais (more) finds its way into many expressions, always playing 1 of 2 possible roles. It's not simply to say most or, more.  It's always used to (1) compare one thing to another;  or (2) to say simply most or, more.

Examples of mais to express most can be found in this other post.

Using mais to compare things.

You don't need to get hung up looking for words like heavier, older and colder. Mais in Portuguese can be used to say all of these very easily.

Here are some of the most used ways mais in Portuguese can express: prettier, heavier, younger and etc. (ie, as an adjective).

Aquele carro é mais novo. ➜ That car is newer.
Ele é mais velho do que ela? ➜ Is he older than she is?
A água é sempre mais gelada aqui. ➜ The water is always colder here.
Esse vestido é mais barato. ➜ This dress is cheaper.
Aquele bairro é mais bonito. ➜ That neighborhood is prettier.
Ela é mais esperta do que antes. ➜ She's smarter than before.
Pay attention to the gender of things! 👩‍🎤🧑🏼‍🎤 Just make sure the subject gender agrees with the words describing it. » *adjectives

O carro é mais novo.
A mesa é mais longa.
A empresa é mais antiga.
O metro é mais caro.
A internet é mais rápida.
*These are all being used to compare things even though the "than" (do que) is left off!

Sometimes mais just means more.

One more drink, more of that stuff, I can't take any more...
These are clearly NOT comparing anything. But you still need to pay attention to the standard ways mais is used in a sentence.

Mais café por favor. ➜ More coffee please.
Mais um café por favor. ➜ One more coffee please.
Mais uma coisa. ➜ One more thing.
Você quer mais dinheiro? ➜ Do you want more money?
Eu não aguento mais! ➜ I can't stand any more!

Portuguese sayings that use mais.

I can only think of one but, surely there are more (leave in the comments!)
Mais cedo ou mais tarde. ➜ Sooner or later.
This translates to: Sooner or later.  Literally it's: More early or more late.

Mais, in context...

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mais in portuguese
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