Brazilian Portuguese hurts so bad!
There are several ways to talk about being hurt, injured or wounded. The most confusing thing I get questions about is the difference between MACHUCAR and MAGOAR. These two are the most important, most used verbs to say to hurt.
MACHUCAR is used to talk about a physical injury.
Eu sempre me machuco jogando futebol.
➜ I always injure myself playing soccer.
Ela está machucada e não quer sair.
➜ She's injured and doesn’t want to go out.
Use MAGOAR to talk about emotional and psychological hurt.
Essas palavras podem magoar mesmo!
➜ These words can really hurt!
Estou muito magoado! Ela me traiu.
➜ I’m truly hurt! She cheated on me!
When talking about other injuries you will run into the verbs FERIR, ALEIJAR and LESAR
But which to use and when? Let's look at some examples...
FERIR is mostly used equally for physical injuries, especially accidents. You'll here this on news reports.
A casa pegou fogo mas ninguém foi ferido.
➜ The house caught fire but no one was injured.
*Be careful not confuse with furar or ferrar!
ALEIJAR is almost always a grave injury and translates as to maim, mutilate.
Ele ficou aleijado num ataque de terror.
➜ He got injured in a terror attack.
LESAR is used when talking about a specific body part that is injured.
Meu braço está lesado com artrite.
➜ My arm is injured with arthritis.
Ela tem uma lesão no quadril e não consegue andar.
➜ She has a hip injury and can’t walk.