
desistir ➜ to desist, give up

to give up
você, ele, eladesiste
vocês, eles, elasdesistem

Complete conjugation.

DESISTIR is usually followed by a de. That’s because when you give up, you usually give up on/of something.

Você desistiu do apartamento? You gave up on the apartment?

Eu desisti da ideia. I gave up on the idea.

Não desista! Don't give up.

dever ➜ must, ought

to owe, must
você, ele, eladeve
vocês, eles, elasdevem

Complete conjugation.

DEVER usually gets combined with another verb immediately following it to form powerful expressions.

dever + ser Ela deve sera apaixonada. She must be in love.

dever + ir Você deve ir. You should go.

dever + ter Deve ter sido amor. Must have been love.

dever + voltar Você deve voltar logo. You should return soon.

deveria Eu deveria ter ficado. I ought to have stayed.

esquecer ➜ to forget

to forget
você, ele, elaesquece
vocês, eles, elasesquecem

Complete conjugation.

ESQUECER is usually followed by a de. That’s because when you forget, you usually forget about/of something.

Esqueceu de mim? You forgot about me?

Esqueci desse restaurante. I forgot about this restaurant.

Ela esqueceu como dançar. She forgot how to dance.


EXPERIMENTAR & PROVAR both mean: to try out, to try on, to sample, to test

Experimentar has the additional meaning of: to experiment
Provar has the additional meaning of: to prove.

Eu vou provar esse vinho. (I'm going to sample this wine.)

Quer experimentar a caipirinha? (Do you want to try the caipirinha?)

Posso provar essas roupas? (Can I try on these clothes?)

Use these to talk about trying clothes on, sampling foods trying new things.
