
conseguir ➜ to get, succeed

By “to get” we mean, to get to do something, to manage. It’s almost the same as PODER in this context.

to achieve, get
você, ele, elaconsegue
vocês, eles, elasconseguem

Complete conjugation.

(can) Eu nao consigo imaginar. ➜ I can't imagine.

(can) Nao consigo esquecer dela. ➜ I can't forget about her.

(get) Eu consegui o apartamento. ➜ I got the apartment.

(can) Eu nao consegui chegar cedo. ➜ I couldn't to arrive early.

(manage) Você consegiu? ➜ Did you manage it?

conversational forms of ESTAR

In casual conversation, estar is abbreviated like this:

estou ➜

está ➜

estamos ➜ tamos

estão ➜ tão

This is becomming the accepted standard, preferred form of speaking the verb estar. In written Portuguese the non-abbreviated form is always used.

Eu estou aqui. ➜ Eu tô aqui. ➜ I'm here.

Como você está? ➜ Como você tá? ➜ How are you?

cuidar ➜ to take care of

This verb is usually used reflexively since the subject is most always receiving and doing the action. In other words: I’m going to take care of MYSELF; She’s going to take care of HERSELF.

Whenever you can “hear” the myself, yourself, oneself etc that’s your cue to include the reflexive pronouns: me, se.

Se cuida. Take care (of yourself).

Eu sei me cuidar. I know how to take care of myself.

to take care of
você, ele, elacuida
vocês, eles, elascuidam

Complete conjugation.

demorar ➜ to delay, last, take time

to take time, delay, last
você, ele, elademora
vocês, eles, elasdemoram
Complete conjugation.

Translations of DEMORAR in Portuguese

demorar in Portuguese means TO… delay, last, take time

Desculpa a demora. ➜ Sorry for the delay.

Eu não vou demorar muito. ➜ I won't take very long.

Você vai demorar? ➜ Are you going to take long?

desculpar ➜ to excuse

When you bump someone in the street you say, desculpa! This is actually short for, me desculpa por favor. The verb is DESCULPAR – to excuse.

The word, CULPA comes from this verb and means, fault.

to forgive, apologize
você, ele, eladesculpa
vocês, eles, elasdesculpam
Complete conjugation.

Não precisa se desculpar. You don't need to excuse yourself.
