
abrir ➜ to open

to open
você, ele, elaabre
vocês, eles, elasabrem

Complete conjugation.

present indicative » Eu vou abrir meu coração. I'm going to open my heart.

preterit indicative » Você abriu sua casa? Did you open your house?

past participle » A loja estava aberta? Was the store open?

Other popular uses of ABRIR in Portuguese

unlock, spread, start, launch…

unlock Pega sua chave e abrir o carro. Get your key and unlock the car.

launch / start Vou abrir uma empresa. I'm going to launch (start) a business.

acabar ➜ to end up

você, ele, elaacaba
vocês, eles, elasacabam

Complete conjugation.

Translations of ACABAR in Portuguese

Acabar in Portuguese means TO… end, end up, finish, be over, stop.

Acaba sendo muito difícil. (It ends up being very difficult.)

Minha paciencia acabou. (I'm out of patience.)

A festa acabou. (The party's over).

When a “de” is added : ACABAR de, it takes on the meaning to have just; to to end up.

O filme acabou de começar. (The film just started.)

aceitar ➜ to accept

você, ele, elaaceita
vocês, eles, elasaceitam

Complete conjugation.

Ela não aceitou o convite. (She didn't acceot the invitation)

Eu aceito qualquer coisa. (I'll accept anything.)

Você vai aceitar? (Are you going to take it?)

ACEITAR is also used to express, “would like”:

Você aceita uma bebida? (Would you like a drink?)

acertar ➜ to get right

It’s tough to find an English verb that matches this one! ACERTAR has the meaning of to get (it) right, to nail, to hit (it), to get it… ETC.

você, ele, elaacerta
vocês, eles, elasacertam

Complete conjugation.

Ele não consegue acertar. He can't get it right.

Ele não conseguiu acertar. He couldn't get it right.

Você acertou tudo! You got it all right!

Podemos acertar tudo agora. We can get it all right now.

Relaxa irmã não tem como acertar. Relax sister, there's no way to get it right.

acostumar ➜ to get used to, accustomed

to get used to
você, ele, elaacostuma
vocês, eles, elasacostumam

Complete conjugation.

It’s almost always used with a reflexive pronoun to make it clear that the subject it the one being accustomed or used to something.

(reflexive + past tense) Nunca me acostumei ao frio. ➜ I never got used to cold.

(past participle) Eu já estou acostumado! ➜ I'm already used to it.

(pres + reflexive) Não consigo me acostumar! ➜ I can't get used to it!

(pres + reflexive) Você vai se acostumer. ➜ You'll get used to it.

adicionar ➜ to add

você, ele, elaadiciona
vocês, eles, elasadicionam

ADICIONAR is most often used these days in the context of adding someone to social media or, an internet account.
Complete conjugation.

Vou te adicionar no facebook. (I'm going to add you on Facebook.)

Voce me adiciona no skype. (Add me in Skype.)

adivinhar ➜ to guess

to guess
você, ele, elaadivinha
vocês, eles, elasadivinham
Complete conjugation.
In olde English “to divine” meant foresee, foreknow, anticipate, to know beforehand.

Adivinha quanto custou. (Guess how much it cost.)

Nem consigo adivinhar. (I can't even guess.)

administrar ➜ to administer

você, ele, elaadministra
vocês, eles, elasadministram

Complete conjugation.

(to manage) Quem vai administrar o dinheiro? (Who's going to manage the money?)

(to run) O software vai administrar a empresa. (The software is going to run the company.)

(to give) O médico vai administrar a injecção. (The doctor is going to give the injection.)

Administrar in Portuguese means: TO… administer, manage, run, give, administer, handle.

almoçar ➜ to (eat) lunch

você, ele, elaalmoça
vocês, eles, elasalmoçam

o almoço = the lunch [noun] / almoçar = to (eat) lunch [verb]
Complete conjugation.

Nós almoçamos juntos. (We had lunch together.)

Onde nós vamos almoçar hoje? (Where are we going to eat lunch today?)

amar ➜ to love

to love
você, ele, elaama
vocês, eles, elasamam

In English we often say we love something when we like it a whole lot. But in Portuguese, to love is a more serious verb. Use AMAR to express true love and use ADORAR to really, really like something.
Complete conjugation.

Eu te amo. (I love you.)

A gente se ama. (We love each other.)

andar ➜ to walk, step

to walk
você, ele, elaanda
vocês, eles, elasandam

Complete conjugation.

Ela anda rápida! ➜ She goes fast!

Vamos andar de bicicleta. ➜ Let's go by bike.

Não anda na rua. ➜ Don't walk in the street.

ANDAR is also used to express BEEN, as in been doing this or that. It’s considered a shorthand/conversational method and is used as a substitution for the grammatically correct conjugation into the Present Perfect form of the verb ANDAR. It sounds more streamlined, and a bit less formal.

Como você anda hoje? How are you doing today?

Você anda trabalhando seu projeto? Have you been working on your project?
