imperative mood

imperative mood

» For AR regular verbs you just replace the a with an e.
» For ER & IR regular verbs you just replace the e with an a.

-ar regular verbs

falar ➜ fale
Me fale tudo!
Tell me everything!

pensar ➜ pense
Pense bem!
Think about it!

-er and -ir regular verbs

responder ➜ responda
Me responda!
Answer me!

sumir ➜ suma
Suma daqui!
Get out if here!

Some very common examples use the TU form (read the post for more explanation):

esperar » Me espera! (Wait for me!)

olhar » Olha só! (Just look!)

escutar » Escuta! (Listen!)

tirar » Tira sua mão! (Hands off!)

falar » Fala tu! (Talk to me!)

ligar » Me liga! (Call me!)

ter » Vem cá! (Come here!)

Several of these are commonly conjugated using the regular, not the “tu” form, and when they are their forms are often irregular!

imperative mood: irregulars

The imperative tense is used whenever making a command or demand.

The most common irregulars are:

-ar regular verbs

ligar ➜ ligue
Ligue agora!
Call now!

colocar ➜ coloque
Coloque a panela no fogão.
Put the pan on the stove.

-er regular verbs

ter ➜ tenha
Tenha uma boa viajem!
Have a god trip!

ser ➜ seja
Seja bem vindo!

-ir regular verbs

vir ➜ venha
Venha aqui!
Come here!

Vá embora!
Go away!

Many of these are often said in the TU form as well (read the post for more explanation):

ligar ➜ Me ligue! ➜ Call me!

colocar ➜ Coloque aqui! ➜ Put it here!

ter ➜ Tenha uma boa viajem! ➜ Have a good trip!

ser ➜ Seja bem vindo! ➜ Welcome!

vir ➜ Venha aqui! ➜ Come here!

ir ➜ Vá embora! ➜ Go away!