I’ve posted about FICAR before - Ficar Grammar & Portuguese Verb Ficar.
FICAR is a big deal and using it correctly can be powerful.
Italians have a big problem with this verb because apparently, it means to fuck in Italian. But that’s their problem, not ours 🫥. Brazilians use FICAR as a slang expression to talk about hooking-up with or to get intimate with someone.
Like this...
Ela está ficando com o Rodrigo.
➜ She’s dating Rodrigo.
But the more standard way to use FICAR is when talking about becoming (ie, getting to be). I’m getting confused just trying to explain this simply. And it really is a simple idea: becoming, getting to be, turning into. It just sounds complicated.
Let’s try to say something like, "I’m getting confused." Perfect.
Eu estou ficando confuso.
➜ I'm getting confused.
* Use the Present Progressive tense to create "ing" verbs like, getting, saying, running etc. {It's formed as: ESTAR + verb + ando/indo}
Now try changing that to, "I always get confused."
Eu sempre fico confuso.
➜ I always get confused.
* This is, of course the Present tense!
Now put in in the past tense, "I got confused yesterday."
Fiquei confuso ontem.
➜ I got confused yesterday.
*You_can also say : Ontem eu fiquei confuso.
That’s what I mean by getting/becoming.
There are other verbs that express to get, but they're for the other type of getting - physically getting something.
Use FICAR to say things like...
Está ficando tarde.
➜ It’s getting late
Está ficando complicado.
➜ It’s getting complicated.
Você está ficando com raiva.
➜ Your getting angry.
Está ficando difícil.
➜ It’s becoming difficult.
Fiquei tão cansado ontém.
➜ I got so tired yesterday.
Eu sempre ficava entediado.
➜ I would always get bored.
Ele vai ficar rico.
➜ He’s going to become rich.

Verbs with the meaning of, to "date":
The more common meaning is, to stay - to be located.
"I’m going to stay here." and, "São Paulo is located to the south of Rio de Janeiro."
Onde você está ficando?
➜ Where are you staying?
A praia fica por perto?
➜ Is the beach nearby?
Onde fica a sua casa?
➜ Where’s your home?
Your taxista or van driver (motorista de van) will ask you: "onde você vai ficar?"
This is confusing at first. They're asking you where exactly you'd like to be dropped off.
This might not be where you're going to STAY, literally, but it’s your “final” destination so in the relative scheme of things it makes sense.
Onde você vai ficar?
➜ Where are you getting off?
✻ Summary ✻
When to use ficar in Portuguese?
Use ficar to express the state of being or remaining in a location, position, or condition. It can also mean to stay, to live, or to keep.
What does "ficar" mean in Brazilian slang?
Ficar in Brazilian Portuguese slang means to hook up with or to get intimate with someone.
What is the difference between ficar and estar?
Ficar and estar are both Portuguese verbs, but they have distinct meanings. Ficar means to remain or to stay, while estar means to be in a temporary or situational sense.
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