Most verbs have various related incarnations as nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc. MELHOR and MELHORAR are super-used words/verbs but also causes big confusion - I think just because these are (1) hard to pronounce, and (2) have so many similar sounding variations.
Melhor and melhorar can be used in different ways to express:
improve, improvement, improving, improved
best, better
melhor and melhorar: diversity or confusion?
melhor (adjetivo)
melhor (advérbio)
o melhor (substantivo masculino)
a melhor, melhora melhoria (substantivo feminino)
***! Here you are delving deep into grammar voodoo. In this case I think it's unimportant to learn the convoluted grammar rule (exception) that is behind these examples. The important thing is to get the hang of (ie, read & listen) how Brazilians correctly use this in common examples.
How about in the gerund (ing)?
Fazendo o melhor. Literally, making the better. When you want to express the idea of improvement or, to improve you are going to use the verb melhorar.
Brazilians very often create these versions, iterations using the verb DAR. Brazilians just LOVE TO USE DAR.
And there is also using melhor to compare things:
Melhor and melhorar can be used in different ways to express:
improve, improvement, improving, improved
best, better
Here's how to pronounce the "lh".
Let's hear it from a native shall we?
