That is literally how you would say "I'm lucky" in Brazilian Portuguese: eu estou com sorte.
estar com (beginner)
In Brazilian Portuguese it's important to remember that this special combination of ESTAR + COM is used to say things like:
And of course this works when talking about other people as well:
But you can't use this to say things like I'm happy, She's sad ETC. And there's no real reason why! It's just that there is a specific set of accepted ways to use ESTAR COM. The good news is that you can learn 90% of them right now. If you learn the examples above and these below you'll already know the most common uses.
estar sem
All of this works in the negative as well:
If you can learn these, you'll really be speaking like a Brazilian! Como um verdadeiro brasileiro!
Some more complex examples:
You can express these things without the estar + com/sem combo. If you can do that, you are really doing well with your studies. And you can even say for example, Eu tenho fome. -- But it's not what Brazilian's say. Don't be afraid to be inventive and creative with the language. But take the time to know the most common ways to say things first. Your mistakes will go over much better when mixed-in with correct, standard speech.
Brazilians will actually use the ESTAR COM combo to express: to have. Like this:
Have you heard other examples? Leave them in the comments below.
Look at this example in-context. Here, Amanda is saying that she/they are behind (atrasada) on the rent. Brazilians would literally say, that you are "with a late account".
Você não pagou o aluguel?
Eu paguei Dezembro. Mas Janeiro e Fevereiro estão em aberto.
Você está com a conta atrasada, então.
Não. Estamos com a conta atrasada.
Com tom de indignação ela diz,
De dois meses, é isso?
estar de (intermediate)
Another VERY useful (and common) combination with estar is, ESTAR + DE. This has always confused me a bit as there seems to be overlap with estar com. Here are the really common ways that Brazilians use estar de:
Don't worry about mixing these up. If you say "eu estou de febre" - that works as well. Brazilians will even say it that way. Just read the examples above and take the quiz below to get familiarized with the core usages here.

You can use sem to say for example, that you want your coffee without sugar: SEM AÇUCAR.
Eu estou sem tempo. I don't have time.
Eu fiz sem querer. I did it by accident.
Sem problema! No problem!
Use com to say that you want to go with your girlfriend: COM ELA.
Com licença. Excuse me.
Ela está com febre. She has a fever.
Eu quero cafe com leite. I want coffee with milk.
Eu não estou com raiva. I'm not mad.