On my second trip down here to Rio de Janeiro, I realized that it might actually be a good idea to learn some Portuguese. My temporary girlfriend at the moment was sure she could get me up to speed. COLOCAR is one of the cornerstone verbs to get down as a beginner, and she was trying to demonstrate to me what it meant. This was 2006, and I didn't have an iPhone in my hand connected to google translate. She grabbed the salt and the pepper shakers and started moving them around on the restaurant table like some shell game.
"Agora eu coloco a pimenta aqui"
By the third cafezinho I was sure that colocar meant something like, to trade places. It does not.
Colocar in Portuguese: let's see it in action.
colocar ➜ to put, place
Along with verbs botar & pôr, colocar is used is the same ways.

Complete conjugation.
present ➜ Dá para colocar uma TV lá. ➜ You could put a TV there.
past ➜ Eu não coloquei gelo. ➜ I didn't put any ice (in).
past ➜ Ja coloquei meu curriculo para a vaga. ➜ I already put in my CV for the opening.
imperative ➜ Coloque no máximo possível. ➜ Put it on max.
past participle ➜ O prato foi colocado na mesa. ➜ The plate was placed on the table.