100 lessons
Level 2 - Level 3 (intermediate to advanced)
100 chapters of one continuous story. Bored, living with her mom in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, Bianca Santos gets fired from her job and escapes to the heart of Rio de Janeiro - her dream. In search of renewal and adventure, the story begins.
Each chapter starts with pronunciation training with (Pimsleur-style) call and response. The dialog is then presented followed by a talk-show style break-down. The grammar is taught using animated teaching videos that present the core grammar rules. An interactive quiz is required before advancing to the next chapter.
100 lessons
Level 2 - Level 3 (intermediate to advanced)
100 chapters of one continuous story. Bored, living with her mom in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, Bianca Santos gets fired from her job and escapes to the heart of Rio de Janeiro - her dream. In search of renewal and adventure, the story begins.
Each chapter starts with pronunciation training with (Pimsleur-style) call and response. The dialog is then presented followed by a talk-show style break-down. The grammar is taught using animated teaching videos that present the core grammar rules. An interactive quiz is required before advancing to the next chapter.
Filmed in Rio de Janeiro with an all-Brazilian cast (2013).
Alanis – participante da festa para o vovô
Aline Neves – participante da festa para o vovô
André Rosa Alves – Amigo do Marcelo
Aretha Alves – Modelo
Ashley Smith – Kate
Bruno Armstrong – Atendente de call-center
Bruno Santos – Lutador de Jiu-Jitsu
Cecília Lage – Síndica
Celília Barçante – Amanda
Chuani Santos – Costureira/ atendente de call-center/ garota da praia
David Junior – Marcelo
Elaine Silva da Cruz Dias – Chefe do Call-center
Fernanda Sampaio – Samira
Flávia Alves dos Prazeres – Bianca
Flávia Coutinho – Vitória
Ítalo Villani – Diretor de fotográfia
Jéssica Miranda Alves – Kikka
João – Vovô
João Paulo Malvar do Nascimento – Luciano
José – participante da festa para o vovô
Leonardo Pádua – Dentista
Lívia – participante da festa para o vovô
Luciano Franklin – Lutador de Jiu-Jitsu
Marcelo Lanfredi – Fotógrafo
Maria Vilani Hipólito da Silva Santos – Costureira
Mary Ellen – Feirante
Nelza Maria André Lopes – Cliente do restaurante
Nídia Ferreira– Mãe de Bianca
Paula Sholl – Modelo
Paulo Maurício da Silva Gomes – Funkeiro
Paulo Roberto Giardini – Phillip
Rafael Nóbrega Gomes da Silva – Tiago
Ramon Vieira – Lutador de Jiu-Jitsu
Robson – participante da festa para o vovô
Rodrigo Marques Zingano – Porteiro do Flávio
Sueli Pereira Lopes – Cliente do restaurante
Taiana Storque – Balconista da papelaria
Tania da Silva Santos – cliente do restaurante
Tatiana Garcia – Cliente do restaurante
Theo Fox – Dono do restaurante
Thiago Valente – Flávio
Ubirajara Santos – Funkeiro
Vanderson Monteiro – Lutador de Jiu- Jitsu
Wanderson Petão – Barraquista / Amigo do Tiago/ Rapaz na festa
Yuri Leondy – Feirante
Developed by James Hall and Chuani Santos
Produced by: Janaina Oliveira
Sound: Vitor Kruter
Language Consultants: Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Chuani Santos
Tired of her life in the suburbs of interior Rio de Janeiro, Bianca Santos gets fired from her job, gets in the car and drives into the big city in search of a new life. And thus, the adventure begins.