A gente » The conversational “we”

a gente in Portuguese

One of the many curiosities about the Portuguese language is the fact that there are TWO ways to say "we."

"A gente" can be used almost interchangeably with "nós."

A gente (we) is a colloquial form and is usually used in the spoken language instead of nós (we). Even though it means we, it's a singular form and therefore treated just like você, ele, ela ETC. Think of a gente as one thing! Imagine a group of people - a gente - a singular group of people.

In conversational Portuguese a gente gets used far more often than nós. This is an easy one to remember as it sounds like the word "gent" (for gentlemen) with a chee at the end.

Like this: AH-JENCHEE.

A gente literally means, the people. Even though it refers to more than one person (we) it's always treated in the singular. A gente vai falar.; A gente foi ao cinema ontem.There is no plural!

nós vs. a gente

Nós vamos ao supermercado hoje. ➜ A gente vai ao supermercado hoje.
Nós queremos jantar aqui. ➜ A gente quer jantar aqui.
Nós fomos ao show ontem. ➜ A gente foi ao show ontem.
Nós nos falamos mais tarde. ➜ A gente se fala mais tarde.
Isn't that nice?! Muito bem! Muito simples! Use this in less formal situations - most any conversation. It's never inappropriate to use a gente.

A gente In Context

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a gente in portuguese