"Gringo" is not a bad word in Brazil. It's used as a kind label for any foreigner. DO NOT be offended when someone calls you a gringo! In these next two dialogs we'll learn some very useful new vocabulário. Whenever you're getting new vocab in a story with rich context, it's supremely memorable!
*Before I over-sell this dialog, let's just say that a truly rich context story would have an actual story. This dialog is more of an advertisement. 🫥 ACTUAL stories are foundational to our learning series'.
Hoje nós vamos conhecer o especie: O Gringo. ➜ Today we're going to meet the species (known as); the "Gringo"
Olha lá temos um gringo vindo! ➜ Look over there! We've got one coming!
As caracteristicas são o seguinte: ➜ The characteristics are the following...
Sandália com meia. ➜ sandals with socks (Brazilians usually use the singular: sandália.)
Camisa social. ➜ formal shirt
Sempre olhando para o céu. ➜ Always looking towards the sky.
Mochila no peito. ➜ backpack on chest
Chapéu. ➜ hat
E, pochete. ➜ fanny pack
Olha isso meu Deus! Temos um selfie de stick! ➜ Oh my God look at this! We've got a selfie stick!
E repara só, em geral o gringo adora usar esse relógio que o ladrão gosta de roubar e o cordão também. Até mesmo os cordões de ouro para fora da camisa. ➜ And look, in general the gringo loves to wear that watch that the thief likes to steal and the gold chain too. Even those golden chains worn outside the shirt.
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