Let's explore the different ways we can talk about what's going on, what someone is doing, what you do, I do, others do.
Which of course becomes FAZENDO (the gerund) when you want to say DOING.
Now let's ask someone WHAT THEY DO, for a living, for money ETC.
See the difference? It's just like in english. You got the pronunciation down for this verb? Here's a Brazilian conjugating FAZER. It's amazing!
But lets return to the sentence O que você está fazendo? for a moment. You may actually hear this said in another way. Brazilians will abbreviate the está >> tá AND they will swallow the você. Here are the results:
O que você está fazendo? >> O que tá fazendo?
Now let's make the sentence: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?
1) O que você quer fazer?
2) O que você está querendo fazer?
3) O que você queria fazer?
#1 is the most common. But the other options are used too. Language is just so AMAZING isn't it? Think about the different weird ways we say the same thing: What do you want to do? // What do you feeling like doing? // What are you wanting to do? // What would you like to do?
To learn faster and smarter always look for similarities between portuguese and english. The gerund is really powerful.
* Notice the order of the words in this is different from the first example?
Now tell me: O que você gosta de fazer no seu tempo livre?